GLW + ADS GLW: B  DK, D  CP eigenstates ADS: B  DK, D  K  1 GLW and ADS observables can be combined to obtain  3 (and r B,  B ). Expected sensitivity.


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Presentation transcript:

GLW + ADS GLW: B  DK, D  CP eigenstates ADS: B  DK, D  K  1 GLW and ADS observables can be combined to obtain  3 (and r B,  B ). Expected sensitivity is 15-20°. Aim to obtain a result this summer. HFAG inputs exist for r D and  D. Similar observables for B  D * K. Additional parameters are only r * B and  * B (large gain expected). Y. Horii and K. Trabelsi

K. Trabelsi


5 Status for ADS Belle: DK (772M BB, submitted to PRL) BaBar: DK+D * K (467M BB), DK * (379M BB), D(K  0 )K (226M BB) CDF: DK (5 fb -1 ) D * K ADS will provide additional information for  3. Will analyze D * K ADS for this summer. (Expected yield ~20 events.) Y. Horii

6 D * (D  0 )  D * (D  0 )K D * (D  )  D * (D  )K BR(D * K)/BR(D *  ) = ± BR(D * K)/BR(D *  ) = ± Calibration modes for D * K ADS are well reconstructed (Exp.7-65, Case A). PDG D * K/D *  = ± Will use case-B samples. Will include a qq suppression using NeuroBayes (2-D fit on  E and NB). Hopefully apply simultaneous fit to DK and D * K. DD DD Dh Y. Horii

GLW + ADS + GGSZ 7 Since x ± and y ± are functions of  3, r B, and  B (same as GLW and ADS), we can combine the observables for GLW, ADS, and GGSZ. The correlations for x ± and y ± can be handled by using experimental likelihoods. Expected sensitivity ~ 10°. ±stat ±syst ±syst (model independent) Y. Horii + K. Trabelsi with A. Poluektov (?) An improved measurement of  3 can be obtained from “GLW + ADS + GGSZ.” Observables for GGSZ: