Vlad Soukhovei, John Marcantonio, Kara Bongiovanni, Eric James, Sean Rivera, Daniel Flora 11/30/10 Fall 2010 Final
Ascend to 30 km, collecting data regarding temperature, air density, sound Compare air density to sound to confirm expected relationship Compare amounts of Carbon dioxide with sound data Hypothesis: air density goes down=frequency increases, amplitude decreases Large amounts of carbon dioxide result in new recorded frequencies Why? Use sound as means of detecting gas
l Launch l Burst Recovery
Launch 30,000 ft Burst
Post Flight CO 2 Test
MICROPHONE WASN’T TURNED ON. Temp Probe Brunton temp Post-test Next Flight: New temp probe Don’t make same mistake twice.
Teamwork is important Work ahead WE FAILED TO TURN EVERYTHING ON. Never again Correlation between CO 2 undiscernable with further ground testing Engineering involves failing
Smaller, warmer BalloonSat PRESS DA BUTTON! Increase amplitude of speaker Press just one itty bitty button Test HOBO more Test for a gas that is more prevalent than carbon dioxide
For storage, batteries in weather channel should be taken out Isolate speaker For flight, TURN ON and insert microphone and weather channel Seal top panel Flip speaker switch, heater switch Paper-clip the camera switch
Final Budget: $ Final Weight: 990 grams
RequirementResult BalloonSat internal temperature shall remain above -10 degrees Celcius Unknown BalloonSat shall not exceed 850 gramsBalloonSat is currently overweight (app. 940 g) Budget shall not exceed $300.00Final Budget : $ Materials/Components (HOBO, foam core, temp probes, flight string/tube, camera, scientific experiment, flag,heater) All necessary components are accounted for