Greg Vogl and Dennis Ogg Research and Development Services Colorado State University Libraries January 6, 2010
Project overview Current status ◦ New features ◦ Hands-on exercise Future possibilities ◦ Features ◦ Data Sources ◦ Software Feedback
Provide a tool to: ◦ Facilitate awareness of, access to and use of resources for academic research ◦ Search multiple library data sources at once ◦ Improve the user’s search experience
User-centered design Simple Google-like search Relevant results Facets to browse and refine search results Facets Suggestions for error recovery Related items, information and resources Interconnect with other software
: created Libraries R&D department : explored catalog interface software : started development with VuFind : created advisory team : conducted usability studies : presented Discovery PDI : released Discovery beta : released Discovery : created Discovery Tools Committee
Default search box on Libraries home pageLibraries home page Multiple data sources ◦ CSU Library Catalog (Sage) ◦ CSU Digital Repository ◦ CSU Libraries Website Availability in Regional Catalog (Prospector) CSU theses and dissertations CSU theses and dissertations Citations and export to reference managers For the latest news, click About DiscoveryAbout Discovery
Library Staff Groups ◦ Research and Development Services Department ◦ Discovery Tool Advisory Team ◦ Discovery Tools Committee Needs Analysis and Assessment ◦ Focus groups (students, faculty/staff) ◦ Usability testing (Techsmith Morae) ◦ Survey (SurveyMonkey) ◦ Usage statistics (Google Analytics)
Go to Use Discovery to complete the provided tasks Refer to the possible solutions if desired Also see the online helponline help
Interface Navigation Authentication Personalization Communication
Course reserves Course reserves Digital Collections (CONTENTdm) Digital CollectionsCONTENTdm Other CSU publications, documents, data Regional Catalog (Prospector) Regional Catalog (Prospector) Other Colorado library catalogsColorado library catalogs WorldCat WorldCat Articles (journal, magazine, newspaper)
Open Source ◦ VuFind - demo VuFind demo ◦ Blacklight - demo Blacklight demo ◦ LibraryFind - demo LibraryFind demo Commercial ◦ Encore - example Encore example ◦ Primo - example Primo example ◦ WorldCat Local - example WorldCat Localexample
ExLibris MetaLib - example ExLibris MetaLibexample Xerxes - local demo, demo Xerxeslocal demodemo OCLC FirstSearch - example OCLC FirstSearchexample
Serials Solutions Summon - demo Serials Solutions Summondemo Ebsco Discovery Service - demo Ebsco Discovery Servicedemo WorldCat WorldCat Primo Central Primo Central
PDI feedback form Discovery comments and suggestions Discovery comments and suggestions Discovery survey Discovery survey Future focus groups and usability testing Thanks for your help!