Sebastian Oddone District Supervisor Division of Math, Science, and Advanced Academic Programs Science Pacing and Content
Goals for Day 1 Explore aspects of the nature of science (NOS) as it is embedded in content lab and exploration activities Effective Implementation of the 2010 Pacing Guides with an emphasis in hands-on learning Enhanced questioning strategy skills Explore hands-on activities designed to promote understanding of specific science content and the nature of science using an “explicit-reflective” approach.
Norms We are all learners today We are all working towards the same goal We share discussion time We are respectful of each other We turn off all electronic devices __________________
The Foundation of Science: Teaching the Nature of Science (NOS) and Making Sense of Science: Why is the Nature of Science the foundation of all science courses? What aspects of the NOS must be revisited and reinforced? Activity: Drops on a Coin
Explicit-reflective approach In the past, it was assumed that students would learn NOS just by doing science Students learn about observations by making observations and learn about scientific theory in the course of studying specific theories Research in science education disputes this idea Students need to be encouraged to explicitly reflect on NOS ideas. Participants will reflect and explicitly incorporate ideas relative to NOS into all their lessons/activities
Effective Implementation of the 2010 Pacing Guides with an Emphasis in Hands-On Instruction Year at a Glance Examining the New Pacing Guides What Does it Mean to Effectively Implement the Pacing Guide? Unwrapping the Benchmarks
Year-at-a-Glance: ISIII 1 ST Nine Weeks2 nd Nine Weeks3 rd Nine Weeks4 th Nine Weeks I.The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge A.Introduction to Course B.Lab Safety: C.Experimentation II.Big Bang Theory & Formation of the Solar System A.Big Bang Theory B.Stellar Evolution C.Formation of Solar System and planetary motion III.Earth, Sun, and Moon System A.Earth, Sun, Moon System IV.Motion A.Motion V. Forces A.Forces VI.Energy Related to Work and Machines A.Energy: B.Work: VII.Kinetic Molecular Theory & Thermal Energy A.Phase Changes VIII.Weather and Climate A.Factors Affecting Climate B.The Law of Conservation of Energy IX.Matter: Elements, Molecules, and Compounds: A.Matter: Elements, Molecules, and Compounds: B.Structure of an Atom C.Periodic Table D.Periodic Trends X.Earth Materials A.Continental Drift B.Plate Tectonics C.Earthquakes D.Earth’s Interior & Volcanoes XI.Chemical Reactions A.Chemical Reactions XII.Biochemical Reactions A.Photosynthesis B.Cellular Respiration C.Enzymes XIII.Biological Changes (Evolution, Natural Selection, Geologic Time, & Fossils) XIV.Biodiversity and Interdependence of Living Things A.Interdependence B.Human Impact on the Environment XV.The Nature of Matter A.Phase Changes B.Rates of Reaction C.Periodic Table XVI.Energy A.Energy XVII.Force and Motion A. Motion B.Forces XVIII.Processes that Shape the Earth A.Earth Sun Moon System B.Earth Systems C.Earth Materials XIX.Earth and Space A.Earth, Sun, Moon System B.Formation of Solar System and planetary motion. XX.Processes of Life A.Processes of Life XXI.How Living Things Interact With Their Environment A.Interdependence B.Human Impact on the Environment XXII. Introduction Environmental Crisis: “Weather and Climate” Weather and Climate A.Weather and Climate XXIII.Energy that Shapes the Earth A.Renewable and Nonrenewable B.Origins of Energy C.Environmental Effects D.Personal Energy Audit XXIV.Earth’s Resources A.Non-Renewable B.Renewable C.Advantages/Disadv antages D.Water in the Earth XXV.Environmental Crisis: “Pollution and Conservation A.Pollution (Fossil Fuels) B.Renewable Energy Sources C.Conservation
Unwrapping the Benchmarks Prerequisite Skills What knowledge, understanding, or reasoning will you require to achieve this benchmark? Vocabulary What vocabulary needs to be understood to achieve this benchmark? Achievement Criteria What performance skills or products will you require to demonstrate achievement of this benchmark? Extending Learning How will you differentiate instruction to extend the learning of the standard? How will you assess achievement? What test or performance will give you data about student progress toward achievement of this benchmark?
Group Activity: Unwrapping the Benchmarks ● Course Specific Groups ● What are the priority activities for each topic? ● What are the specific instructional strategies? ● How can “depth of knowledge” be achieved for each topic? Pacing Guides Integrated Science III (Topic 3) Chemistry (Topic 2)
Enhancing Content Knowledge: Implementing NOS and Unwrapping the Benchmarks Chemical/Physical: Cleaning Up an Oil Spill (Topic 2) Integrated Science III: Phases of the Moon (Topics 3)
Presentation Using the Unpacking Benchmarks Worksheet and lab activity for each lab station, discuss each lab activity: How will you teach the labs? Describe methodology and questioning strategies. Design questions that will address the objective of the lab and enhance the instruction of the content as prescribed in the pacing guide. Constraints/limitations. What do you expect your students to find challenging about these ideas? Modifications. What misconceptions might students hold about NOS and the specific content of each lab?
Enhanced Questioning How do we make student thinking explicit during scientific inquiry?
Resources Writing in Science Parts of a Lab Report Power Writing Model 2009 Modeling Framework – demonstrations, models
Power Writing The Power Writing Model Challenges students to write quality reports Enhance inquiry in science through writing The Power Writing Model answers seven basic questions that serve as a model for students to improve their performance in the “Florida Writes” test. 14
Resources Technology Gizmos Riverdeep – Logal Express Podcasts CPALMS
Links District Science Website Department of Instructional Technology Gizmos Florida Department of Education Florida Standards and Course Descriptions
Explicit Scientific Inquiry Lab Activity: Density Complete the Unpacking Benchmarks Worksheet Design lesson addressing Pacing Guide topic content and objectives. Design questions that will address the objective of the lab and enhance the instruction of the topic content. Discuss lab activity: Questioning strategies before, during, and after activity. Benefits, constraints, limitations, modifications. Writing in Science. Appropriate technologies to enhance instruction.
Reflections and Feedback 3 Things I Observed 2 Things I Learned 1 Thing That I will do differently Question(s) I still have Complete additional feedback questionnaire
Goals for Day 2 Plan lesson for specific topics Effective Implementation of the 2010 Pacing Guides focusing on unwrapping the benchmarks Explore hands-on activities designed to promote understanding of specific science content and the nature of science using an “explicit-reflective” approach. Review the 5 E Model Enhanced Questioning Strategies
The 5 E Model An instructional model based on the constructivist approach to learning, where learners build or construct new ideas on top of their old ideas. Engage: Stimulate involvement Explore: Involve student in activity Explain: Put abstract experience in communicable form Elaborate: Expand on concepts learned Evaluate: To determine if student attained understanding of concepts and knowledge
Lab Rotation Integrated Science: Motion Relative to the Frame of Reference: Velocity and Acceleration Chemistry: Conservation of Mass during change
Lesson Discussion Complete the Unpacking Benchmarks Worksheet Design lesson addressing Pacing Guide topic content and objectives. Design questions that will address the objective of the lab and enhance the instruction of the topic content. Discuss lab activity: Questioning strategies before, during, and after activity. Benefits, constraints, limitations, modifications. Writing in Science. Appropriate technologies to enhance instruction.
Lab Rotation Integrated Science: Kinetic and Potential Energy and Their Work (Energy) Chemistry: Changes of State
Lesson Discussion Complete the Unpacking Benchmarks Worksheet Design lesson addressing Pacing Guide topic content and objectives. Design questions that will address the objective of the lab and enhance the instruction of the topic content. Discuss lab activity: Questioning strategies before, during, and after activity. Benefits, constraints, limitations, modifications. Writing in Science. Appropriate technologies to enhance instruction.
Lab Rotation Integrated Science: Changes of State Chemistry: Models of Atomic Structure and Electrostatic Forces
Lesson Discussion Complete the Unpacking Benchmarks Worksheet Design lesson addressing Pacing Guide topic content and objectives. Design questions that will address the objective of the lab and enhance the instruction of the topic content. Discuss lab activity: Questioning strategies before, during, and after activity. Benefits, constraints, limitations, modifications. Writing in Science. Appropriate technologies to enhance instruction.
Follow Up Prepare a presentation to discuss with your department what you have learned in these two days. Send Agenda signed by administrator along with a copy of the sign-in sheet for meeting to (scanned pdf) Fax: attention Sebastian Oddone
Reflections and Feedback 3 Things I Observed 2 Things I Learned 1 Thing That I will do differently Question(s) I still have Complete additional feedback questionnaire