Alicia Buchert, Diana Fast, Lauren Nixon, Annan Applebee, Shannon Loggins, Bryna Peterson, Katie Walter
School Boundary Map
Population, income levels, and racial statistics
Corvallis: “The Heart of the Valley” Population 54,462 people (2010 United States Census) Ethnicity 86% White 6.4% Asian 5.7% Hispanic 2.5% Other 1.2 % Black.76% Native American.29%Pacific Islander
Income Level Median Income: $35,000 Education Title 1, Free/Reduced Lunch and why Corvallis was ranked 5 th on the list of “America’s Smartest Cities” by Forbes Magazine Poverty Level 20.6% of the population of Corvallis in 2009 lived below the poverty level
Food, Shelter, After-school Programs
Mission Statement: "To help young people, especially those who need us most, reach their full potential as productive, responsible, caring citizens."
* Corvallis has: 4 emergency food boxes 2 meal sites
Emergency Food Boxes: Community Outreach Program, Inc. OSU Food Pantry South Corvallis Food Bank St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank Meal Sites: Community Outreach Program, Inc. St. Mary’s Stone Soup kitchen
Food boxes are available everyday of the week, even on holidays. The food boxes are available per person once every 30 days. The program also supplies meals to clients living in transitional housing, and to homeless.
Provide emergency food boxes Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Each month they serve 220 families; distributing over 15,000 pounds of food. The food bank has not restriction on the amount of times an individual picks up a food box each month.
At St. Mary’s Catholic Church Provides meals to anyone who needs assistance no identification or proof of income needed. Serve dinners on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Sundays from 5:30 to 6:30. Serve lunch on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 11:30 to 12:30.
Free and reduced-price lunch Summer Free Meal Program
Corvallis Free & Reduced for the month of March 2011 SchoolFreeReduced TotalEnrollment*Percentage AD % CH % CHS % CV % FR % GA % HO % JE % LI % LP % MV % WI % TOTAL % * Enrollment does not include 1/2 day KG unless they are Free/Reduced
Field trip ideas, in and out of school resources, and guest speakers