R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March 2011 1 Collimator Wakefield Measurements.


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Presentation transcript:

R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March Collimator Wakefield Measurements R.M. Jones, D. Schulte, R. Tomas, W. Wuensch for the CLIC team Thanks to J. Pfingster, A. Grudiev, A. Latina, G. Sterbini, D Angal-Kalinin, J. Barranco, L. Fernandez, C. Hast, S. Jamison, J. Resta, G. Rumolo, A. Seryi, N. Watson

R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March

Beam Parameters at SLAC ESA and ILC ParameterSLAC ESAILC-500 Repetition Rate10 Hz5 Hz Energy28.5 GeV250 GeV Bunch Charge2.0 x Bunch Length 300  m Energy Spread0.2%0.1% Bunches per train1 (2*)2820 Microbunch spacing - (20-400ns*)337 ns

R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March In this case, it lays in the long bunch regime  Formulae based on work of Gennady Stupakov, SLAC.

R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March Ref W. Farabolini, Proc. Linac 2010, Tsukuba, Japan CLIC Facility, CALIFES CALIFES linac inside CLEX room at CERN Beam parameters  Further results needed to confirm simulations  Worth emphasing that it is not yet clear when CALIFES will be available to make such measurements Initial simulation of bunch deflection at CALIFES

R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March

7 T480 “wakefield box” ESA beamline Collimator Hardware

R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March 2011 Nigel Watson, 21 Oct 2010 ESA Wakefield measurements Col. 12 a = 166 mrad r = 1.4 mm Angular kick (V/pC) Collimator y (mm) T data T data Kick factor (V/pC/mm) E.M. predictions GdfidL vs. ECHO (ESA collims. 1- 8) E.M. predictions GdfidL vs. ECHO (ESA collims. 1- 8) Wakefields, survivability. Strong collaboration between SLAC and EUROTeV groups. T480 “wakefield box” ESA beamline Designed, modelled and tested collimators at SLAC ESA facility

R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March 2011 Nigel Watson, 21 Oct 2010 Summary, ESA T480 wakefield measurements

R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March 2011 Hardware Set-Up For ESTB At Least 25 of drift space between collimator and last BPM Collimators, support and sandwich already at SLAC Collimators borrowed from STFC Bunch length measurement is critical –Steve Jamison (ASTeC/STFC) proposes electro-optic measurement (synergy with CLIC TDR) BPM resolution, hopefully in the 100 nm level (could be partially contributed by CERN)

R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March

R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March People J. Barranco, L Fernandez, S. Jamison, J. Resta, G. Rumolo, H. Day (Univ of Manchester PhD student measuring LHC wakes), tbc (postdoc, Univ of Manchester), R.M. Jones, D. Shulte, A. Seryi Due to time constraints Univ. Birmingham (UK) will not take part. As in ESA, strong collaboration with one SLAC colleague will be important.

R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March

R.M. Jones (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Inst.) on behalf of CLIC Collaboration., ESTB Workshop, SLAC, 17 th March 2011 Parameters required for Beam Tests Beam parametersValueComments Particle Type e-/e+ Energy~10-14GeV Rep Rate5Hz Charge per pulse100pC (~10 9 ) Energy Spread<1% Bunch length rms ~40  m (CLIC ~44  m) Beam spot size, x-yNominal Others (emittance, …) LogisticsRequirements Space requirements (H x W x L)Existing wakefield box (already at SLAC) Duration of Test and Shift UtilizationPrevious experience indicates 2 weeks. Desired Calendar DatesWinter/Fall 2011/2012 To the presenter at the ESTB 2011 Workshop: please, fill in the table (at best) with the important parameters needed for your tests