Intermediation of Units These slides expand the article How journal rankings can suppress interdisciplinary research. A comparison between innovation studies and business & management Available at: Ismael Rafols 1, Loet Leydesdorff 2, Alice O’Hare 1, Paul Nightingale 1 and Andy Stirling 1 1 SPRU —Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex, 2 Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam,
Edinburgh ISSTI Sussex Manchester MIoIR Imperial ISSTI Warwick Business School London Business School SPRU # pubs with journals included % pubs with journals included90%95%91%92%73%84% Journals of publications Clustering Coefficient Std Error0.06% 0.04% Average similarity Std Error0.06%0.07% 0.04% # refs with journals included % refs with journals included21%29%28%42%56% Journals of references Clustering Coefficient Std Error0.05%0.04%0.05%0.04% Average similarity Std Error0.04%0.05% 0.04% # citations with journals included % citations with journals included47%58%65%57%56%61% Journals of citations Clustering Coefficient Std Error0.06%0.05%0.06%0.04% 0.03% Average similarity Std Error0.05%0.06% 0.04%0.03% Indicators of intermediation Note: Only a sub-set of 391 journals was used in these journal maps, which is reflected in the values for numbers and percentages of “publications with journals included”.
Intermediation as average Clustering Coefficient
Intermediation as average similarity
Heat-map of entire journal sub-set (391 journals), based on the cited similarities between journals (WoS 2009)
Journals of Unit’s Publication Proportion of publications per journal Note: Sum of node areas not consistent between maps
ISSTI Journals of Publications Normalised to total number publications
SPRU Journals of Publications Normalised to total number publications
MIoIR Journals of Publications Normalised to total number publications
Imperial Journals of Publications Normalised to total number publications
WBS Journals of Publications Normalised to total number publications
LBS Journals of Publications Normalised to total number publications
Journals of Unit’s References Proportion of references per journal
ISSTI Journals of References Normalised to total number references
SPRU Journals of References Normalised to total number references
MIoIR Journals of References Normalised to total number references
Imperial Journals of References Normalised to total number references
WBS Journals of References Normalised to total number references
LBS Journals of References Normalised to total number references
Journals of Unit’s citations Proportion of citations per journal
ISSTI Journals of citations Normalised to total number citations
SPRU Journals of citations Normalised to total number citations
MIoIR Journals of citations Normalised to total number citations
Imperial Journals of citations Normalised to total number citations
WBS Journals of citations Normalised to total number citations
LBS Journals of citations Normalised to total number citations