Jayden and riley
By Josey baker
When the wind is blowing different directions and thunderstorm are coming it can form a tornado. (page 9) A tornado can destroy anything in it’s path. #23 They send up a weather bolloon.#12
Evidence clues that help explain answer a question Temporture hot or cold Cloud water droplets or ice particles floating in the atmosphere Investigate to study or try to learn more about something.
A tornado will destroy everything it touches. A tornado can destroy like as big as a state. We think are book is the best
Cianfrani liked to build in the stream to see what would happen. As a kid,cianfrani loved to play in the streams
Investigate to study or try to learn something H ydrologist a scientist who studies water Exploring to try things different Runoff the movement of liquid water
We have streams like their. We recommend this book go with the flow. In the book go with the flow they have ginormous!