U Libraries Resources and Services: Update for CEHD Researchers November 2009
Librarians Laurel Haycock: Librarian for CEHD EdPsy, ICD, OLPD (EdPa) Nancy Sims: Copyright Program Librarian – Campus wide Other librarians for CEHD –Kim Clarke: C&I, CPsy undergrads, PSTL –Scott Marsalis: FSoS, Kin, OLPD (WHRE), SW
Some ways we can help Consultations, Presentations, Purchases & subscriptions, E- access, Problem solving, Q & A, Web pages –Library resources for research papers, grants, presentations –Library technologies: MNCAT, e-journals, e-books, citation managers, rrs feeds, UDC digital archive –Copyright, author’s rights, scholarly communication topics –Purchases and subscriptions: E-journals, print and e- books, databases, data collections, DVDs, … –Problem solving : e-journal access
New and evolving roles for librarians Partnership projects: Digital content, E- publishing & Digital archiving Web 2.0 & mobile technologies Personal information management : Organizing the “personal information space” Scholarly communication & author’s rights Data curation; e-science
Today – highlighting… Journals: myLibrary for personalized e-journal lists –Google Scholar preferences, RSS feeds E-books UDC University Digital Conservancy –U of M dissertations and more
myLibrary : ejournals Create a personalized list of e-journals and library search engines List will also show up on your myU portal page List could be added to rss feed reader
myLibrary feature
Select: Add to myLibrary
RSS for web site updates Web site updates are published into rss feed format RSS feeds are read with tools like Google Reader Look for rss feeds on library web site
Recent new e-journal subscriptions Africa education review (2010-) Assessing writing Child indicators research Frontiers of education in China (2010-) International journal of educational advancement
More new e-journals Neuropsychological rehabilitation (2010-) Neurorehabilitation (2010-) Prospects, UNESCO's quarterly review of comparative education (2010-) Teaching professor (formerly Teaching professor newsletter)
Suggest new journals Send recommendations to your librarian Depending on funding…
Google Scholar Google scholar preferences –Set to U of M to link to our e-journals –Set for your citation manager Advanced Search offers more options Results are interdisciplinary
Set to link to U of M TC e-journals Set for citation manager preference Google Scholar Preferences
E-books and print books Jan-Oct 2009: –More than 1500 new books purchases in CEHD areas E-books for online access –E-only –Anytime, anywhere access via computer –Search text of book
E-books Many publishers and e-book packages –Springer, APA PsycBooks, MITCogNet books, Ebrary, netLibrary, myiLibrary, and many more –Features vary -- Some work better than others…
E-books Read on your personal computer screen Limited downloading and printing –10 pages, more or less Set up account & sign in for more features (bookmarking, note taking…) Evolving products; vendors, publishers
E-book readers Library is studying and testing various e-book readers and related technologies
Townsend, Tony. (2007). International Handbook of School Effectiveness and Improvement. Springer.
Teaching Mathematics to Middle School Students with Learning Difficulties Montague, Marjorie (Editor) Jitendra, Asha (Editor) Publisher: Guilford Press Released: 2006
Google books & digitization Partnership project with CIC libraries to digitize books & federal documents U of Michigan, U of Wisconsin, U of California led the way in digitization
Hathi Trust Digitized content is expected become available to us in partnership with Hathi Trust Content will be more than that digitized by Google
U of M digital archive The University Digital Conservancy is: a venue for faculty to deposit copies of their works for long-term preservation and open access centralized, searchable access to institutional digital resources that would have traditionally gone to the University Archives. And, now it includes U of M Dissertations
U of M Dissertations 91% opt in rate: 466 of 511 dissertation authors opted in Impressive use statistics Some colleges / departments are adding Plan B master’s & professional papers
3946 dissertation pdfs were downloaded in Oct 2009
A recent CEHD dissertation
By subject
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