“High Schools Improving Lives with Engineering Projects in Community Service-Learning” Session: Funding Opportunities & Sustainability Natalie Kubat Pamela Turner
Sustaining EPICS High Topics Looking at what you have and what you need Student Participants Ideas for recruiting Specific classes to target Students most in need of a new learning experience Staff/Faculty How can you get teachers engaged? What classes could EPICS blend well with? What teachers already show strong volunteerism and community involvement?
Mentors and/or Volunteers What expertise is needed? Have you utilizes parents and their connections? Look for local companies with a reputation for community giving Reach out to higher education partners near you Institutionalizing your EPICS Where is your EPICS Program and how do you get it into the school day? Sustaining EPICS High Topics Looking at what you have and what you need
Funding Tools Community Foundation Local industry Family Foundations Service organizations Political representatives Parents Others? Sustaining EPICS High Topics Looking at what you have and what you need
Marketing Your Program How do you inform your local community about your EPICS High projects/program? Let people know what the needs are (materials, funding, mentors, etc.) Making sure fellow staff and administrators are aware of the work you and your students are doing Sharing your EPICS High program with local legislators and governments officials Teach your students to advocate for the program – Talk about their EPICS Sustaining EPICS High Topics Looking at what you have and what you need
Marketing Tools Press Releases Flyers Brochures Posters Newsletters Pictures Presentations Special Events Websites EPICS Shirts Sustaining EPICS High Topics Looking at what you have and what you need