Welcome to GIS Day Presented by Washington College Region 1 Day 2 Sign in and get your folder Complete the morning work on the blue paper Complete the green paper if you did not do it yesterday Enjoy breakfast!
Objective #1 Teachers will increase their understanding of the MSPP grant elements (Problem-Based Learning, GIS, GPS, Web 2.0, 21st Century Skills, Information Literacy, Research), their instructional impact, contribution to higher order thinking, and student engagement. Objective #2 Teachers will refine their problem-based units and lessons to incorporate a transdisciplinary approach that includes GIS, GPS, and Web 2.0, 21st Century Skills, Information Literacy, Research and PBL best practices. Objective #3 Teachers will increase their understanding of how to effectively assess student learning within a PBL lesson or unit. Objective #4 Teachers will plan for sustainability of the MSPP grant elements and build their leadership capacity so that integrating the grant elements becomes a natural way of teaching and learning
Objectives Objective #1 Teachers will increase their understanding of the MSPP grant elements (Problem-Based Learning, GIS, GPS, Web 2.0, 21st Century Skills, Information Literacy, Research), their instructional impact, contribution to higher order thinking, and student engagement. Objective #2 Teachers will refine their problem-based units and lessons to incorporate a transdisciplinary approach that includes GIS, GPS, and Web 2.0, 21st Century Skills, Information Literacy, Research and PBL best practices.
Agenda 9:00- 9:30 Welcome, setting norms, sharing of morning work 9:30-10:30 GIS session with Washington College staff 10:30-10:40 Break 10:40 -12:00 Independent Work Time with Washington College staff help 12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-1:30 Washington College Resources 1:30- 3:00 Independent Work Time with Washington College staff help 3:00-3:30 Conclusion/Wrap-Up
Gallery Walk Working in teams, list ideas for GIS integration. Use only one color marker. Walk around the room to get more ideas. Add new ideas to your group’s chart in a new color.