Predicting The Performance Of Virtual Machine Migration Presented by : Eli Nazarov Sherif Akoush, Ripduman Sohan, Andrew W.Moore, Andy Hopper University of Cambridge
Agenda Introduction. How to migrate? Defining migration performance. Performance prediction. The AVG & HIST models. Evaluation. Conclusions.
Why performance prediction matters? Provision and control computing capacity. Guarantee performance levels. Efficient management. Better VM placement. Better resource utilization (e.g. load balancing).
How to migrate? Stop-and-Copy Minimizes total migration time. Highest downtime. On-Demand. Short downtime. Very high total migration time.
Pre-Copy migration Pre-Copy migration involves 6 steps: Initialization Pre-select a target for migration. Reservation Reserve resources on the destination host. Iterative Pre-Copy First Iteration : Send all RAM. Each iteration : Send modified pages. Stop-and-Copy Stop VM for final transfer. Commitment Destination host acknowledges that the copy finished correctly. Activation Re-attachment of resources to VM on the destination host. Pre-copy phase Copy phase
Xen Stop Conditions Less then 50 pages were dirtied during the last pre- copy iteration. Guarantees short downtime. 29 pre-copy iteration have been carried out. Already copied more then 3*|VM|. At iteration N-1 we copied 3*|VM|-1page Forces Stop-and-Copy stage.
Migration & Down times
How To Predict? Calculate Bounds.
Bounds are not enough! Don’t give accurate prediction. Reason: Significant differences in lower and upper bounds due to link speed and VM size correlation. Example: For VM Size=1,024 MB MT =Total Migration Time, DT=Total Downtime, LB=Lower Bound, UB=Upper Bound For big VM memory sizes even larger differences. We need something more accurate. Speed 100 Mbps96.3 s459.1 s0.314 s s 1 Gbps13.3 s49.9 s0.314 s s 10 Gbps5.3 s10.1 s0.314 s s
Parameters affecting migration Migration link bandwidth. Higher speed links allow faster transfers. Pre and Post migration overheads. Operations that aren’t part of the actual transfer. Examples: Initializing container in destination host. Reattaching device drivers to the new VM. etc. Example: 10 Gbps, VM size = 512MB Pre-overhead = 77%
Parameters affecting migration (cont.) Page dirty rate. The rate at which memory pages in VM are modified. Affects the number of pages transferred in each pre- copy integration. Page dirty rate and performance relation is not linear Reason: Link speed.
Page dirty rate and link speed Downtime at low page dirty rate is almost constant and close to lower bound. Downtime increases to upper bound when page dirty rate is high (reaches link capacity). 10Gbps – Total downtime
Page dirty rate and link speed (cont.) Total migration time increases with page dirty rate. Total migration time goes back to lower bound for extremely high page dirty rate. Back to pure Stop-and-Copy. 10Gbps – Total migration time 100Mbps – Total migration time
What's next? Prediction using all parameters affecting migration. Link speed. Page dirty rate. VM memory size. Overheads. AVG - Average Page Dirty Rate HIST – History Based Page Dirty
The AVG model Based on the migration logic. Assumes constant or average page dirty rate. Useful when the dirty page rate is stable. Follow the core functionality of migration in Xen.
The AVG model (cont.) Input parameters: Link Speed. Page Dirty Rate. Analytically determinable. Pre\Post overheads. Time spent during actual transfer – Time to migrate idle VM VM Size. Xen functionality: sim_clean(): returns the set of dirty pages + sets state to “all clean”. sim_peek(): returns bitmap of dirty pages (no state change).
Algorithm - the AVG model Each Pre-Copy phase: Get dirty bitmap – sim_peek(). Skip the pages re-dirtied in this iteration Collect at most 1024 pages – batch. migration_time += if (last_iteration) downtime_time += Clean pages status – sim_clean(). Calculate the total times: total_migration_time = migration_time + pre_overheads + post_overheads. total_downtime = downtime + post_overheads.
The HIST model Used in cases where the dirty page rate is a function of time. Depends on the history log of page dirty rate.
The HIST model (cont.) Given the start time of migration – t Predict migration times based on: t+1,t+2, …, t+N Changed sim_clean() and sim_peek() to return #dirty pages at the above points in time for log. Use AVG algorithm with these function. Observation: For deterministic processes the set of dirtied pages at any point in time will be approximately the same as for previous runs of the same workload running in a similar environment.
Evaluation Test-bed: Xenserver (Xen 3.3.1) on 3 servers. 1 pool master, 2 hosts for migration. Each server: 2 Intel® Xeon™ 2.13 GHZ, 6GB DDR3. SAN – IBM eserver xSeries GB DIMM. Ultra320 SCSI. Ubuntu kernel. Compared to: Actual migration using 2 SolarFlare10Gbps NICs.
Evaluation (Cont.) Page Modification Micro-Benchmark Can be used both for AVG & HIST. Deterministic application. Writes to memory pages at fixed rates. High resolution of page modification Up to pages/sec. Over 25,000 live migrations.
Evaluation (cont.) - Results AVG v.s Real migration HIST v.s Real migration
Results (Cont.) - Results For |VM|=1024MB, LinkSpeed=10Gbps: HIST mean deviation from the measurements : 3.3% - total migration time. 6.2% - total downtime. AVG mean deviation from the measurements: 2.6% - total migration time. 3.3% - total downtime.
Evaluation(cont.) – Industry workloads Comparing against a set of industry-standard workloads. SPEC CPU For CPU bounds workloads. SPECweb WebServer workloads. SPECsfs I/O, MapReduce & non-interactive workloads.
Industry workloads - Results CPU5.8 s5.7 s2.4%0.317 s0.314 s2.4% WEB7.5 s7.4 s2.0%0.449 s0.42 s6.4% SFS14.8 s14.9 s1.5% s s0.1% MR14.9s15.13s1.4%0.348 s % MT =Total Migration Time, DT=Total Downtime, A=Actual Measurements P=HIST Prediction
Comments Presented an accurate model for prediction. Performed a large scale evaluation. Very specific to Xen implementation. Didn’t perform evaluation comparing to other prediction methods. Didn’t state how to predict with bounds.
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