IntraFlagellar Transport (IFT) Radial spoke Anterograde IFT : FLA10 Kinesin II (towards flagellum tip, + end MT) Retrograde IFT: Cytoplasmic Dynein DHC1b (towards cell body) IFT particle Raft FLA10 KinesinII Cytoplasmic Dynein Cole et al., J Cell Biol. 141, , 1998
PhaseAnti-flagellum + DAPI nucleus Trypanosoma brucei (protozoan) Flagellated organism easy to grow in vitro Genome sequenced Straight forward molecular biology Reverse genetics (RNAi, inducible expression) Responsible for sleeping sickness Flagellum attached to the cell body
IFT in trypanosomes PFRA T7 tet-inducible promoters T7 transcription terminators drug resistance Wang et al., JBC (2000) 275, Durand-Dubief, Kohl & Bastin, MBP (2003) 129, intermolecular GeneCharacteristicsIFT in T. b. Motors DHC1bdynein heavy chain+ DHC1bisdynein heavy chain+ LC8dynein light chain- KIF3Akinesin motor- KIF3Bkinesin motorND KAPcargo bindingND Raft components IFT20coiled-coil+ IFT27G protein? IFT52coiled-coil+ IFT55coiled-coil+ IFT74coiled-coilND IFT88TPR+ IFT122WD40+ IFT172WD40+ Regulators LF4kinase+/- Vector for RNAi silencing
The trypanosome cell cycle Green: Flagellum, Red lines: FAZ, Red dots: basal body, Blue: DAPI
Generation of non-flagellated cells non- induced Green: Flagellum, Red lines: FAZ, Red dots: basal body, Blue: DAPI induced Defects:No new flagellum, but FAZ is still there but... FAZ is too short
Shorter flagella, shorter cells ? Green: Flagellum, Red lines: FAZ, Red dots: basal body, Blue: DAPI DIC (TbDHC1b cells, RNAi silencing induced for 48 hrs)
Flagellum length (µm) cell size (µm) Flagellum and cell size are linked
DHC1b IFT88 Induced cells don’t have a flagellum Characterisation of IFT RNAi mutants % Flagellated cells
FAZ FORMATION AND CYTOKINESIS no new flagellum new FAZ no new flagellum no new FAZ no new flagellum no new FAZ No cytokinesis Nuclear division OK Blue: DAPI Red lines: FAZ Red spots: basal bodies Non- flagellated sibling Flagellated sibling Multinucleated cells
Summary 1) IFT controls flagellum assembly 2) IFT controls flagellum length 3) Flagellum length dictates FAZ elongation and defines cytokinesis initiation 4) Flagellum and FAZ are required for cell morphogenesis (shape, polarity) Kohl, Robinson & Bastin, EMBO J. (2003) 22, See also comments in Hurtley S. (2003) A dead-end short cut. Science 302, 535 Jones S. (2003) Trypanosome flagellum-motility and more. Nature Rev. Microbiol. 1,
Non-flagellated cells show dispersion of their endocytic network Red: anti-clathrin Normal Non-flagellated Blue: DAPI Dispersion of : -rab5 (early endosomes) -rab11 (recycling pathway) -p67 (lysosomes)
Group Philippe BASTIN (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Dir. C. GIOVANNANGELI & J.S. SUN) Linda KOHL Filippo RUSCONI Sabrina BENGHANEM Géraldine TOUTIRAIS Mickaël DURAND-DUBIEF Carole BRANCHE Gwénola DORE Derrick ROBINSON (Université Bordeaux II) Mark FIELD (Imperial College, UK) Thanks to K. GULL, P. ENGLUND, C. CLAYTON, G. CROSS