Carrier Transport Phenomena CHAPTER 5 Carrier Transport Phenomena (An importat chapter) Describe the mechanism of carrier drift and induced drift current due to an applied electric field. Define and describe the characteristics of carrier mobility. Describe the mechanism of carrier diffusion and induced diffusion current due to a gradient in the carrier concentration. Define the carrier diffusion coefficient. Describe the effects of a nonuniform impurity doping concentration in a semiconductor material. Discuss and analyze the Hall effect in a semiconductor material.
5.1 | CARRIER DRIFT This net movement of charge due to an electric field is called drift. The net drift of charge gives rise to a drift current. 5.1.1 Drift Current Density
the total drift current density is the sum of the individual electron and hole drift current densities
5.1.2 Mobility Effects There is a mean time between collisions which may be denoted by Tcp.
The lattice scattering is also referred to as phonon scattering. denote μL as the mobility that would be observed if only lattice scattering existed, then the scattering theory states that to first order
If temperature increases, the random thermal velocity of a carrier increases, reducing the time the carrier spends in the vicinity of the ionized impurity center.
Comment Ex 5.2, the mobility values are strong functions of the doping concentration and temperature.
5.1.3 Conductivity
Nd = 1015 cm-3. In the mid-temperature range, or extrinsic range, the electron concentration remains essentially constant. the mobility is a function of temperature so the conductivity varies with temperature in this range. At higher temperatures, the intrinsic carrier concentration increases and begins to dominate the electron concentration as well as the conductivity. In the lower temperature range, freeze-out begins to occur; the electron concentration and conductivity decrease with decreasing temperature.
EXAMPLE 5.3 5.1.4 Velocity Saturation
As the field increases, the electron drift velocity in gallium arsenide reaches a peak and then decreases. As the E-field increases, the energy of the electron increases and the electron can be scattered into the upper valley, where the density of states effective mass is 0.55 m0
5.2 | CARRIER DIFFUSION Diffusion is the process whereby particles flow from a region of high concentration toward a region of low concentration. If the particles were electrically charged, the net flow of charge would result in a diffusion current. 5.2.1 Diffusion Current Density If the distance l shown in Figure 5.10 is less than the mean-free path of an electron, that is, the average distance an electron travels between collisions (l < vth Tcn), electrons moving to the right at x = -l and electrons moving to the left at x = l will cross the x = 0.
Dn is called the electron diffusion coefficient, has units of cm2/s, Dp is called the hole diffusion coefficient,
Comment Ex 5.5 A significant diffusion current density can be generated in a semiconductor material with only a modest density gradient.
5.3 | GRADED IMPURITY DISTRIBUTION 5.2.2 Total Current Density in most situations, we will only need to consider one term at any one time at a particular point in a semiconductor 5.3 | GRADED IMPURITY DISTRIBUTION If the semiconductor is in thermal equilibrium, the Fermi energy level is constant through the crystal The doping concentration decreases as x increases in this case
Comment of Ex 5.6, small electric fields can produce significant drift current densities
5.3.2 The Einstein Relation the semiconductor is in thermal equilibrium, then the individual electron and hole currents must be zero.