Compute Canada and WestGrid The Canada Foundation for Innovation funds high performance computing (HPC) in Canada through a consortium called Compute Canada Compute Canada in turn supports HPC via regional networks – in Western Canada (BC to Manitoba), the network is WestGrid WestGrid has 14 member institutions (UVic, UBC, SFU, UNBC, UofA, UofC, ULeth, BanffCtr, Athabasca U, USask, URegina, UManitoba, BrandonU 2
Collaboration Node at UNBC 3 UNBC is a minor partner in WestGrid – we don’t house any of the major hardware or support staff In the latest CFI round of funding, all partners were allocated funds for a Collaboration Node to facilitate research collaboration The collaboration node can be used for national seminars in which participants from universities all across Canada attend presentations It can also be used for smaller research meetings where two-way video/audio interaction is beneficial
Video Collaboration 4 This room can operate in two modes: 1. As an Access Grid node – this was a requirement of the funding and is the platform used for national meetings. The AG node can call a standard VC room too. 2. As a standard Video Conference room, similar to the other classrooms and meeting rooms at UNBC (note that we have the hardware for this, but it has not been tested or made operational yet – soon!)
Access Grid / IOCOM Hardware 5 The IOCOM hardware uses Access Grid to connect to unlimited sites for meetings – normal VC can has a limit of 4 sites It is a software-based VC solution (runs on Windows 7, here) There are public domain Access Grid clients for most hardware (PCs, macs, smart phones, iPod touch, etc.) I am connected via AG from my office The IOCOM system can also connect to a standard VC room – we will be showing this at 11:45 At 12:00, we will be demonstrating the IOCOM Access Grid connection to a WestGrid seminar
National and Regional Seminars 6 Since September we have connected people to 12 national or regional seminars C2C (Coast to Coast) Seminar series, this semester on Oceans and Climate WestGrid seminars on high performance computing These national seminars are particularly useful for small and isolated institutions like UNBC allowing us access to presentations and speakers we may not otherwise have a chance to see
CtoC Seminar Series 7
UNBC / WestGrid meeting room 8 You can organize your own Access Grid meeting Make sure all participants have AG software installed Book ADM 2024 and the UNBC / WestGrid electronic meeting room Tell your invitees to go to and navigate to “UNBC” and “Research Lobby” (direct link: bec6a ) bec6a
Obtaining Access Grid client software 9 Software is freely available for most platforms We have placed a windows distribution of the packages needed at (install the packages in the order listed) Contact You Qin Wang if you have questions about setting up or testing clients
How to book this room 10 Priority booking of this room for research collaborations and meetings When not otherwise booked, room is available for other meetings too Room is booked through Integrated Support Services (ISS) / EMS as you would any VC room EMS personnel will make sure the VC connection is working You Qin Wang is also available to support AG