About our law firm A. Goźlińska, S. Staszewska-Lisiak & Partners was established in 2008 and is a Polish independent law firm which provides comprehensive legal consulting services for medium and bigger Polish and international entrepreneurs operating their businesses in Poland. Our greatest asset is undoubtedly our energetic team of highly qualified and experienced lawyers. Our people have background in the most distinguished Polish and international law firms and in legal departments of the largest Polish companies. Our team comprises of legal experts in a variety of legal areas. Our lawyers provide services in English, German and French. A. Goźlińska, S. Staszewska-Lisiak & Partners provides legal services for the Clients representing, inter alia, the following business areas: construction industry, real estate, food industry, energy sector, pharmaceutical industry, insurance sector, automotive and transportation industry, distribution activities and many others.
About our law firm We provide our services on the highest level of legal standards. We draw special attention to confidentiality of all information obtained from our Clients. While representing the highest level of professional standards, we are able to provide our services flexibly and competitively. With the assistance of our experienced and highly qualified lawyers we are able to use all available legal instruments in order to provide effective legal advice to our Clients. We are acquainted with the realities of business activities in Poland and practical problems of entrepreneurs during their business activity in Poland. We provide not only comprehensive legal services to our Clients, but also enable tax optimisation and tax risk management of various transactions. We cooperate with number of tax advisors who represent high level of education and experience obtained in various international advisory corporations. An interdisciplinary cooperation enables us to offer an optimal structure for any considered transaction. Our offices are located in Warsaw and in Cracow.
Our specialisations A. Goźlińska, S. Staszewska-Lisiak & Partners specializes in providing the following services for entrepreneurs: CIVIL AND COMMERCIAL LAW : covers legal advisory connected with conducting business activities, in particular with M&A transactions, preparation of draft contracts and assistance in negotiations of various types of commercial contracts, as well as preparing various legal opinions; COMPANY LAW : concerns day-to-day legal advisory with regard to the company law and other issues relating to operations of commercial entities, in particular all issues connected with setting up of companies, activities of commercial companies’ bodies and representation of our Clients before registry courts; LABOUR LAW: is related to comprehensive advisory with regard to employee-employer legal relations, including drafting labour contracts and other labour documents, negotiations of collective bargaining agreements, legal advisory in relation to collective redundancies and representation of our Clients in labour court cases;
Our specialisations INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: covers comprehensive and specialist advisory to the scope of copyrights, trademarks and unfair competition, including representation of our Clients before other entities, administrative bodies and courts; REAL ESTATE: covers advisory in relation to purchase and sale of real estate, investment processes, representation of investors before all relevant administrative bodies and courts in relation to investment processes and legal advisory in relation to the construction law; COURT DISPUTES: covers representation of our Clients in litigation cases connected with their business activities, including drafting statements of claims and statements of defence, submissions and other activities required; PUBLIC TENDERS: covers legal advisory with regard to public tenders, representation of Clients in public tenders proceedings before the Office for Public Tenders and during appealing proceedings before the National Appeal Chamber in the abovementioned matters;
Our specialisations ENERGY LAW: covers advisory with regard to negotiations and drafting contracts connected with energy law matters, representation of entrepreneurs before the Energy Regulatory Office in proceedings for obtaining energy licences; PHARMACEUTICAL LAW: covers legal advisory with regard to all key aspects for the operation of pharmaceutical and diagnostics companies, including clinical trials, medical products admitted to trading, their distribution and advertising, as well as intellectual property rights; INSURANCE LAW: covers advisory in all aspects of insurance products and insurance general terms and conditions, as well as negotiations with corporate customers and their representation before supervisory authorities; BANKRUPTCY AND REORGANISATION LAW: covers advisory and representation of both enterprises being in bankruptcy and under reorganization proceedings, but also their creditors, and legal advisory with regard to entrepreneurships’ restructuring; ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: covers advisory in the administrative law and proceedings, including representation before national and local administrative bodies with regard to conducted business activities of our Clients.
Our Team AGNIESZKA GOŹLIŃSKA attorney-at-law, partner, worked for the biggest law firms in Poland: Sołtysiński, Kawecki & Szlęzak and Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone. She has 15-year experience in providing legal services to Polish and foreign entrepreneurs, in particular with regard to civil law, commercial law and intellectual property law. Participated in many transactions considering establishement, acquisition, transformation and consolidation of entrepreneurships, real estate, intellectual property rights, in particular in media and FMCG sectors. She represents Clients before the Office of Competition and Consumers Protection, the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection and common and arbitration courts, SYLWIA STASZEWSKA-LISIAK attorney-at-law, partner, specializing in labour law, commercial law and construction law. She gained experience in providing legal services to commercial entities in the law firm A. Bajer i K. Mydłowski and subsequently conducted her own law firm. She provided legal services to companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. She has experience in conducting negotiations with trade unions and in representation of the employers in court proceedings. She participated in preparation of prospectuses and advised investors in negotiations and in preparation of development contracts,
Our Team AGNIESZKA PAJER attorney-at-law, specializing in insurance law and financial derivatives law. She has extensive experience in insurance and pension schemes gained during a 12-year period of work for the largest Polish financial groups: TUiR WARTA and CREDIT SUISSE LIFE & PENSIONS GROUP (formerly WINTERTHUR GROUP), KAROL PETRYK advocate, member of the Warsaw Bar Association since He cooperates with A. Goźlińska, S. Staszewska-Lisiak & Partners since February He works for Polish and international Clients in relation to civil and company law matters, including setting up new companies and legal advisory regarding their subsequent business activities. He also represents Clients in litigation matters, TOMASZ ZAŁOGA advocate, member of the Cracow Bar Association specializing in real estate and construction laws. He has 10-year experience in comprehensive advisory in relation to multi-phase real estate investments for Polish and international investors. Among others, he led investment projects resulting in development of malls, logistic centres, and a number of office buildings and revitalised historical buildings,
Our Team Krzysztof Szczecina trainee for advocate, he graduated with honours from the Faculty of law at the Warsaw University and the Centre for the Study of English and European Law co-organized by the Cambridge University. He currently attends doctoral studies at the Warsaw University. He specializes in legal advisory to Polish and foreign Clients with regard to civil and commercial law, PAWEŁ MIŁKOWSKI lawyer specializing in pharmaceutical and administrative law. He graduated from the Łódź University Law School. He rendered his legal advisory to POLSKA GRUPA FARMACEUTYCZNA S.A. and THE MINISTRY OF THE STATE TREASURY, in respect to the shareholding matters in the State owned companies, Paweł Jaczewski student of the fifth year of law studies at the Faculty of Law of the Warsaw University. He joined A. Goźlińska, S. Staszewska-Lisiak & Partners in October He is responsible for preparing drafts of various documents and supporting the work of other lawyers for our Clients.
We proudly appreciate the trust of our Clients operating in many business activities sectors. Our lawyers worked or continue to work for many Polish and international companies, advising on legal aspects of their business activities in Poland and abroad. Our lawyers worked or continue to work in particular for: Our Clients
A. GOŹLIŃSKA, S. STASZEWSKA-LISIAK & PARTNERS WARSAW OFFICE: Grzybowska 4 Str. apt Warsaw tel: fax: CRACOW OFFICE: Mogilska 16 Str. apt Cracow tel: fax: