Lower Bounds for NNS and Metric Expansion Rina Panigrahy Kunal Talwar Udi Wieder Microsoft Research SVC TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A A
Nearest Neighbor Search
Decision Version. Given search radius r Find a point in distance r of query point Relation to Approximate NNS: – If second neighbor is at distance cr – Then this is also a c-approximate NN r cr
Cell Probe Model m w
Many different lower bounds Metric spaceApproximationRandomized?Ref ExactyesPT[06], BR[02] noPT[06], Liu[04] yesAIP[06] yesPTW[08] noACP[08] n.exp(ϵ 3 d)
Lower bounds from Expansion Show a unified approach for proving cell probe lower bounds for near neighbor and other similar problems. Show that all lower bounds stem from the same combinatorial property of the metric space Expansion : |number of points near A|/|A| (show some new lower bounds)
Graphical Nearest Neighbor Convert metric space to Graph Place an edge if nodes are within distance r Return a neighbor of the query. Now r=1
Graphical Nearest Neighbor Assume uniform degree Use a random data set Assume W.h.p the n balls are disjoint.
Deterministic Bounds via Expansion
Deterministic Bound sdddddddddddddddlklkj
Example Application n. exp( ϵ 2 d)
Proof Idea when t=1 Shattering F : V → [m] partitions V into m regions Split large regions A random ball is shattered into many parts: about ф(G) ф(G) replication in space
Proof Idea when t=1
Generalizing for larger t
Randomized Bounds Need to relax the definition of vertex expansion
Randomized Bounds Robust Expansion A N(A) N(A) captures all edges from A Expansion =|N(A)|/|A| Capture only ¾ of the edges from A
Robust Exapnsion
Bound for Randomized Data Structure
Proof Idea when t=1 Shattering Most of a random ball is shattered into many parts: about ф r ф r replication in space
Generalizing for larger t Sample 1/ ф r 1/t fraction from each table. A random ball, good part survives in all tables. Union bound for adaptive is trickier.
General Upper Bound
Conclusions and Open Problems
Approximate Near Neighbor Search sdfsdfsffjlaskdjffj
gdgsgsdfgdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffkffffsdfgdd ddddjffjdfgdfg
Graphical Nearest Neighbor
Randomized Bounds Need to relax the definition of vertex expansion and independence
Deterministic Bounds via Expansion
Proof Idea Can we plug the new definitions in the old proof? – Conceptually – yes! – Actually….well no Dependencies everywhere – the set of good neighbors of a data point depends upon the rest of the data set Solving this is the technical crux of the paper