Reaching the Masses: multimedia biomedical the point of need Carrie Iwema, PhD, MLS Information Specialist in Molecular Biology Ansuman Chattopadhyay, PhD Head, Molecular Biology Information Service Health Sciences Library System University of Pittsburgh MLA 2011
HSLS MolBio Info Service WorkshopsWebsite Consultations Licensed Tools May 2010-April workshops 579 attendees 14 workshop ppts 10 licensed tool tutorials 13 “how do I’s?” 11 “other” classes 15 licensed tools 9 protocol resources Twitter/Facebook/
??QUESTION?? Do our patrons have any interest in the use of video tutorials & recorded workshops to supplement bioinformatics instruction?
Survey Logistics Survey Monkey 10 questions Distribution: – list = >1780 – Pitt & UPMC – Initial + 1 reminder – Posted on website – Mentioned in 2 workshops – Available 10 days 117 responses ~6.5%
Instructional Methods Which methods are of interest? Workshop Live Webinar Recorded Webinar Video Tutorial 69.2% 51.3% MOST likely to use 43.6% 25.6% 18.8% 12.0% 69.2% 24.8%
Watch Webinars? YESNOMAYBE LIVE, INTERACTIVE 47.0% 20.5% 32.5% RECORDED 70.1% 23.9% 6.0%
Preferred "how-to" Method Written Instruction Video Tutorial Both 65.8% 23.1% 11.1%
Video Tutorial Time Length 5 min or less 15 min or less 30 min or less Not likely to watch 35.0% 47.9%5.1% 12.0%
Video Tutorial Viewing Methods Desktop or Laptop Apple device Android device 98.3% 19.7% 3.4%
Consultations Which methods are of interest? Face-to-face Web/online Video tutorial Phone 66.4% 37.9% 44.0% 71.6% 25.9% MOST likely to use 17.2% 27.6% 18.1% 32.8% 4.3%
Survey Comments (n=20) Recorded webinars are a great idea as a supplement to the current workshops, which I am often unable to attend due to timing. I think it would be great to have step-by step video guides. I am learning a lot with face to face consultations and hands-on workshops. Keep up the good work. I think it is better to learn by example (i.e. video, hands on tutorial or face-to-face consult) rather than reading help documentation.
So what are we going to do? 1.Continue w/ current services 2.Record workshops 3.Create video instruction for licensed tool downloads 4.Offer video consults 5.Post “how to” video tutorials 6.Track usage
Thanks for your attention! Carrie Iwema, PhD, MLS Information Specialist in Molecular Biology Ansuman Chattopadhyay, PhD Head, Molecular Biology Information Service Health Sciences Library System University of Pittsburgh