By: Paige Reinhardt
Began as the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Formed during WWII to coordinate espionage Established in 1947 when President Truman signed the National Security Act
Responsibility: To provide national security intelligence to senior US policymakers The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (signed by President Bush) Headquarters: Fairfax County, VA AKA: “The Company” or “The Agency”
Nominated by the President with consent from the senate Manages operations, personnel, and budget Leon Panetta (2009-Present)
National Clandestine Service: Human Source Intelligence Live and work overseas Directorate of Intelligence: Analyze intelligence and produce reports etc. Directorate of Science and Technology: Gather information to facilitate execution of the mission Directorate of Support: Provides 24/7 support
Collect info about foreign governments, corporations, and individuals to advise policy makers Conduct covert operations - video
The roadmap for the next five years Enables them to operate as a team and fulfill the most important missions
Originated as the Cheka in Dec Headed by Felix Dzerzhinshy Became the KGB on March 13, 1954 Originally controlled by the Council of Ministers
The National Security Agency of the USSR Headquarters: Moscow, Russia Has special departments in all major factories, enterprises and government institutions Pronunciation: KGB.ogg#file KGB.ogg#file
Perform clandestine operations to further Soviet foreign policy goals Ex: disinformation Thought to support international terrorism Helped organize military training and provide arms to third world, leftist guerrillas Arrest and investigate political and economic crimes within Russia
August of 1991: head officials were arrested including Boris Yeltsin, Col. Boris B, Vladimir Kryuchkov Vadim Bakatin took over but signed a decree to abolish the KGB in October 1991 KGB dissolved along with the USSR
Many organizations including the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Federal Agency for government Communications and Information, and the Federal Security Service A law was drafter to reinstate the a single state security organization in October 1997 however it was not supported by the Russian Government
Both ran similar clandestine operations and spy networks, but they used information in different ways Both received government support
The KGB supported terrorism while the CIA fights terrorism The KGB held a monopoly in the world of espionage and used their powers in detrimental ways The KGB was more experienced and held more power during the Cold War Cultural differences between KGB and CIA
KGB had a huge impact on world peace up until the early ‘90s CIA currently links together and works closely with nations throughout the world Counterintelligence is still a top priority in the US which has deep connections in most countries
"About CIA — Central Intelligence Agency." Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agency. Web. 02 Nov "Central Intelligence Agency -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 02 Nov "Former CIA and KGB agents share inside look at espionage." Google. Web. 02 Nov "KGB -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 02 Nov "KGB Committee for State Security - Russia / Soviet Intelligence Agencies." Federation of American Scientists. Web. 02 Nov Pictures: