Sustainable Development – World Views and Visions, Uppsala University, October 1, 2010 Education for Sustainable Development – A result of international political efforts during more than four Decades
Carl Lindberg, Member of UNESCO´s High Level Panel on the UN Decade for ESD. Deputy State Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Science 1994 – 2004
“Never underestimate the power of a few concerned people to change the world. In fact, it´s the only thing that ever has.“ Anthropologist Margaret Mead
A. Milestones on the International Agenda and some Swedish decisions:
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, 1962
The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, June, 5-16, 1972, Recommendation 96 on Environmental Education
The Limits to Growth”, the Rome Club 1972
The Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education, Tbilisi 1977(UNESCO and UNEP)
“Our common future”, 1987, Brundtland Commission.
International Congress on Environmental Education and Training Moscow 1987 (UNESCO and UNEP)
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janerio, 1992, Agenda 21, Chapter 36
The International Conference on Environment and Society: Education and Public Awareness for Sustainability, Thessaloniki 1997 (UNESCO and the Government of Greece)
The International Conference on EFA(Education for All) Dakar, April 2000
Baltic 21 Education March, 2000 – Jan,2002. Education for Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea region.
The Summit in Johannesburg The speeches of the Prime Ministers of Japan and Sweden.
UN General Assembly, Dec 2002, UN Decade( ) on ESD
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe(UNECE) Statement on ESD made by the UNECE Environment Ministers at their 5 th “Environment for Europe” Conference in Kiev, Ukraine, May 2003
Nordic Minister Council´s Conference on ESD in Karlskrona, Sweden, June 2003
“Learning to change our world “ International consultation in Gothenburg May 2004
UNECE´s High Level Meeting of Environment and Education Ministers, Vilnius, Lituania, March Adoption of a framework for the implementation of the UNECE Strategy for ESD
International Conference on ESD in Nagoya, Japan, July 2005 UNESCO and United Nations University(Tokyo) The 8 first RCE´s (Regional Centre of Expertise)
Three Swedish Unesco Chair for ESD 2005, 2006, 2007
An amendment to the Higher Education Act. From Feb 1 st, 2006 every university in Sweden has to promote Sustainable Development
A Government decision to SIDA to found an international Institute for ESD (SWEDESD) at the island Gotland in the Baltic Sea.2007.
RCE-Skane (Reg. Centre of Expertise, Skåne, Sweden)June2007
International Conferences on ESD in Durban, South Africa, July, 2007 and Ahmedabad, India, Nov, 2007
A national Graduate School for Education and Sustainable Development, 9 universities are involved. 4-5 years doctoral studies. 2008
Visions and preparations for a common blueprint on ESD, Göteborg, November 10-12, 2008
UNESCO World Conference on ESD, Bonn, Germany, 31march – 2 April 2009
Global Citizen´s Conference on DESD, Oct 2009,Tokyo,Japan(Photos)
The 4 th International Conference on ESD, Oct 2009,Beijing,China(Photos)
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, Aug 2010, New Delhi, India(Photos)