Seige the Castle.


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Presentation transcript:

Seige the Castle

Definition A siege occurs when an attacker encounters a city or fortress that cannot be easily taken and refuses to surrender

Residents of the Castle Women and children headed for the keep Men prepared to defend their fortress How?

On the Defense Water and oil boiled in vats Battlements pour on attackers climbing the outerwalls Battlements provided protection for archers using longbows and crossbows

On the Defense The Entrance The most vulnerable part of castle? Drawbridge would be pulled up flush with the rest of the outerwall The portcullis was lowered to form another barrier

On the Defense Guards were stationed at the guardhouse with longbows to ward off invaders.

On the Offense Attacking soldiers climbed the outerwalls Tunneled under the walls Shot at guards on the bailey with longbows and crossbows.

On the Offense Catapults Ballistas Battering Rams

Captured! Nobles were often captured rather than killed Why?