October 4, 2011
Officer Reports ◦ President-Beau Kessler ◦ Vice President-Carrie Alderman ◦ Secretary- Caroline Griggs ◦ Treasurer-Tom DiPiro ◦ Historian-Billy Grooms New Business/Announcements Next Chapter Meeting: November 1,
Carrie and I will meet soon to do timeline of entire process ◦ Will need to get list of interviewers and dates set ◦ Reminder: induction date will need to be earlier this year because of PLS Annual Meeting (Mar. 9-12)
“Leadership in the age of Social Networking” ◦ Social networking must be some part of the overall program Deadline: Jan. 31, 2012 Exec. Board met and thought about possibly using online registration for the conference via facebook or other social media and comparing attendance to last year’s conference Will explore other ideas
Fall Leadership Seminar Series ◦ 2 nd Seminar recap: “The Medical Home Model: An Interprofessional Panel” ◦ 3 rd and final Seminar: Chris Fortier- “Pharmacy Practice Model” Monday, October 302B Leadership Summit ◦ Survey sent to student leaders ◦ will need to present idea to Carol Brown, MUSC SGA President ◦ Will hold in April Etiquette Dinner Planning ◦ Contracts going through legal department ◦ Looking at Nov. 17 th at Rue de Jean with Cindy Grosso
Leadership Conference Planning ◦ Jan. 21, 2012 at Trident Facility ◦ Flyers printed and ready to be distributed ◦ Will need to promote to MUSC (board reserved on 2 nd floor in COP for Nov.)(need flyer promoting event, broadcast message, etc.) Clarion Planning ◦ Need to identify judges and reserve room for meetings (Library)-there will be two meetings that start in November ◦ Meg Croom has already booked caterer for Feb. 28 th CV/Interview Workshop with Rho Chi ◦ Tuesday, Oct. 11 th 5:30-7:30 in COP Classrooms ◦ Deadline to sign up: Tuesday, Oct. 4th
PLS has been assigned November for kitchen duty ◦ We need to rotate each week and help keep it clean ◦ Rho Chi is also scheduled in November