My Test Plan Trevor Phillips
What I’ve Done Not much… Downloaded files I am testing Getting my tester over the weekend William’s code compiles and looks pretty clean Lots of extra files, gotta sort through them
What I’m Gonna Use Main method: Manual Analysis and gcov – Eclipse C Debugger will help track variable values throughout code as well Backup plan: CUTE – If manual analysis seems fruitless after trying, then I’ll use CUTE since I have a 32-bit computer
How Thorough the Testing Will Be Plan on getting >80% coverage with manual analysis If needed, use CUTE to get >85% coverage Risks: discover I need CUTE too late to really be effective
Next Steps Sit down and focus on walking through code over the next week. Continue until all code is covered. Get good idea of potential bugs just by looking: Feb 28 th Begin rigorous test cases: Mar 5 th