Storage, Handling, and Preservation Best Practices
Preservation time frame: – Short term – Medium term – Long term
Deterioration Of Magnetic Medium Komposisi media magnetik: – Magnetic recording material – Substrate – Binder
Magnetic Particle Instabilities Partikel magnetik menyimpan informasi berdasarkan perubahan medan magnet. Store the magnetic media in cooler temp
Substrate Deformation Made of polyester film Problem: Stress, aging, and improper rewinding Store tapes in constant temp preventing it from expands and contracts
Binder Degradation Binder menahan partikel magnetik pada tape dan memfasilitasi tape transport. Subject to Hydrolysis Loss of lubricants
Optical Media?
Recommended Storage Store magnetic tape in clean, controlled environment 65 degrees Fahrenheit plus minus 3 degrees Humidity 40% plus minus 5% Two type of Storages: – Access – Archival
Key FeatureAccess StorageArchival Storage FunctionAllow immediate access and playback Preserves the media for as long as possible Acclimation required prior to playback NoYes Media life expectancyAt least 10 yearsMaximum allowed Temp set point60-70 FAs low as 40 F Humidity25-50%As low as 20% Temp VariationsMax-min = 7 F Humidity VariationsMax-min = 20%Max-min = 10%
Lower temp slows rate of decomposition Lower humidity reduces binder hydrolysis (tape), and corrosion (tape/optical) Stable temp and humidity reduce stress Removing dust and debris, prevent loss of signal
Proper Care and Handling Four term for media renewal: – Reformatting (ex. From EDCDIC to ASCII) – Copying (ex tape to 3480 tape) – Converting (ex. 3gp to mpg) – Migrating (wordstar to microsoft word)
Guide to the Care and Handling of Magnetic Tape Tape should be handled only in no smoking, no food, clean areas Do not put tape on the floor Do not drop or subject tape to sudden shock Keep tape away from magnetic fields Tape storage areas should be cool and dry Store vertically Use high quality cassettes, boxes and containers Return tape to the containers when not used Do not use general purpose adhesive tape Minimize tape handling Do not taouch the tape surface unless necessary Clean the tape path thoroughly Avoid contact with water
Preservation File Formats Many organization are turning to formats popular on the WWW HTML XML PDF
HTML Wide avialability and potentioan for ongoing support. XML Extensible Markup Language. Universal format for structured document and data Ex spreadsheet, address books, technical drawing, etc
PDF Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) Universal format that preserves all of the fonts, formatting, colors, and graphics.
Four keys to maximizing the longevity of digital information: 1.Choose the most stable technology 2.Choose the most stable format 3.Store record in the best environment possible 4.Implement proper care and handling procedures
Other Preservation Best Practices European Union 1996, organized jointly by the member States of the European Union and the European Commision in Brussels. 4 stages organizations transition from paper to electronic document: 1.The traditional office, based on paper 2.A mixed office, paper and electronic 3.The conversion of paper using scanner 4.Entirely electronic office
State of New York Result was a publication in January 1999 “Practical Tools for Electronic Records Management and Preservation” Team defined 3 functional requirements for electronic records: 1.Record Capture 2.Record Maintenance and Accessibility 3.System Reliability
Digital Media Migration Typically, devices and media are replaced by better ones within a few years They then become obsolete, since for lack of financial incentives their production and maintenance are discontinued Soon, effort is required to connect the unsupported devices to up-to-date computers Ex. migrate punch cards containing sociological research data into a hardware and software independent format
Refreshing Digital Media create a perfect replica without changing either the format or a single bit of the content. Refreshing is a preventive action taken in order to avoid losses of information due to physical effects, like de-magnetization of tapes.
Migration to Other Digital Media copies data between media that are of different physical, but of the same logical structure, is called replication. An example would be migration between a hard disk and a USB stick
Migration to Nondigital Media the most common and widely used strategies for long-term preservation Unfortunately, paper and microfilm are not suitable for complex and compound documents such as databases, videos, or hypertexts. There is no direct way to transfer these data to nondigital media adequately same is true for spreadsheets and other computationally enhanced documents.
Migration by Transformation content migration Transforms documents into standard formats supported by current application programs. compress the data in order to save storage (using, for instance, a zip program).