Chapter 15: Revising Your Drafts
Read, Listen, Implement Checking Your Draft Yourself Reviewing Your Draft Managing Your Revising Time Checking the Draft Yourself Reviewing Your Draft Managing Your Revising Time
Three Activities of Revising
Checking Your Draft Yourself From your reader’s point of view
Checking Your Draft Yourself From your employer’s point of view
Checking Your Draft Yourself Distance yourself from your draft
Checking Your Draft Yourself Check it twice and change your focus
Checking Your Draft Yourself Computer aids: part of the solution- not the cure Spelling and Grammar Check
Checking Your Draft Yourself Be ethical: think about your stakeholders’ perspective
Reviewing Drafts Discuss objectives
Reviewing Drafts Positive relationships make happy writers and reviewers
Reviewing Drafts Do you have taste?
Reviewing Drafts Be an explorer
Reviewing Drafts Be helpful
Reviewing Drafts Be ethical: Review from your stakeholders’ perspective
Managing Your Revising Time Invest wisely- buy high, sell low, adjust to the situation
Managing Your Revising Time Significant revisions come first
Managing Your Revising Time Be diplomatic
Managing Your Revising Time Revise to learn
Let’s Review the Three Checking the Draft Yourself Reviewing Your Draft Managing Your Revising Time