Califia A historical timeline of California based on a comparative and interdisciplinary approach through scholarly articles for high school and college teachers and student in the social sciences.
EPISTEMOLOGY How do we know what we think we know? The how is more important than the what
Comparative Historical Timeline
Algorithm Based Searches JSTOR, MUSE, ERIC, etc. Scholarly journals Peer reviewed Comparative Women, Asians, Latinos, Africans, LGBT, etc. Multidisciplinary Science Ethnic Studies Education Political Science Sociology History Etc.
ABCD Audience: HS & CC teachers ad students Behavior: Help understand how our collective histories are intertwined and thus acknowledge Conditions: Currently a master narrative is what drives our collective sense of ourselves as what it means to be American. Selective history is taught Degree: To acknowledge the contributions by different groups to the fabric of society and their implications to the development of the state and of the country. To promote an understanding that Americas come in many varieties and they all are very valid life experiences that contribute our collective identity as Americans.
Comparative Historical Timeline Scalable Education, US History, World History, Science, Social Sciences, etc. Sustainable Algorithm based, uses existing databases, ad section for book & instructional material sales Usability Friendly interface, Intuitive design, some interactivity, ADA, mobile, web,
Comparative Historical Timeline Situation Widely accepted master narrative affects ones place in society and how we interact with each other. Culture Local, California, America, and the constructs that we accept as factual. Theory Multidisciplinary, there will be many depending on the type of search.