History of Chocolate Valentine’s Day Chemistry of Chocolate Chocolate- making process Chocolate Nutrition
Chocolate plantations were first established in 600 AD on this continent History of Chocolate 200
What is South America/Central America? History of Chocolate 200
Match the following years with the type of chocolate that was invented that year: Chocolate types: White, Milk, Dark Years: 1847, 1875, 1930 History of Chocolate 400
Dark Milk White History of Chocolate 400
The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas first consumed chocolate in this form. A. What is a paste? B. What is a liquid? C. What is a solid bar? History of Chocolate 600
B. What is a liquid? History of Chocolate 600
One of the problems with the first drinking chocolate was that it did not dissolve properly in hot water, but rather clumped and floated to the surface. So, in 1928, Dutchman Van Houten invented a process now known as “Dutching” to remove this component of the cocoa, making it easier to mix. History of Chocolate 800
What is Cocoa butter/ fat? History of Chocolate 800
The first milk chocolates had a gritty texture because the size of the non- fat particles was too big (larger than 30 microns). This issue was solved in 1880 with the invention of a machine called a “conche.” The machine was invented by this now well-known gourmet chocolate company. History of Chocolate 1000
What is Lindt? History of Chocolate 1000
This is the Greek word for Cupid, God of Love? Valentine’s Day 200
What is Eros? Valentine’s Day 200
According to English tradition – this happens “to the first man a woman sees” on Valentine’s Day? Valentine’s Day 400
What is Marry Him? Valentine’s Day 400
This candy factory made the first “conversation hearts” Valentine’s Day 600
What is NECCO? Valentine’s Day 600
This is the ancient Roman festival that Valentine’s Day originates from Valentine’s Day 800
What is Lupercalia? Valentine’s Day 800
This person sent the first Valentine’s Day card after being captured in 1415 Valentine’s Day 1000
Who is Charles, Duke of Orlean’s? Valentine’s Day 1000
Carbohydrates make up approx. half the weight of chocolate. Most of it is sucrose, but some of it is this type of sugar found in milk. Chocolate Nutrition 200
What is Lactose? Chocolate Nutrition 200
Chocolate Nutrition 400 This nutritional component of chocolate is the most energy rich, giving 9 calories of energy per gram
Chocolate Nutrition 400 What is fat?
Match the %s with the correct type of nutrient in chocolate %: 6, 15, 17 Nutrients: Fat, Protein, Carbohydrates Chocolate Nutrition 400
Chocolate Nutrition 600 Fat = 15% Protein = 6% Carbohydrates = 17%
DAILY DOUBLE Place A Wager Chocolate Nutrition 800
27% of the fat in chocolate is palmitic acid, which moderately raises cholesterol levels. Palmitic acid is this type of fat. Chocolate Nutrition 800
What is saturated fat? Chocolate Nutrition 800
Positive health effects, such as reduced risk of heart disease have been attributed to this class of antioxidants found in chocolate. Chocolate Nutrition 1000
What are Polyphenols/Flavinoids/Fla vinols?
In the “chromatography of colors” experiment, the M&M coating dyes were separated based on this property Chemistry of Chocolate 200
What is polarity? Chemistry of Chocolate 200
Methylxanthines are a class of psychoactive compounds found in chocolate. Name this most common methylxanthine. Chemistry of Chocolate 400
What is caffeine? Chemistry of Chocolate 400
An important property of different types of chocolate is viscosity, which is a measure of this (BE CAREFUL!) Chemistry of Chocolate 600
What is resistance to flow? Chemistry of Chocolate 600
This methylxanthine (caffeine without one methyl group) is present in higher concentrations in chocolate than caffeine Chemistry of Chocolate 800
What is theobromine? Chemistry of Chocolate 800
Chocolate also contains these two psychoactive compounds, phenylethylamine and anadamide. They have similar structures/functions to these two illegal substances (Name one- double points for both!) Chemistry of Chocolate 1000
What are methamphetamine and THC (Cannabis)? Chemistry of Chocolate 1000
White chocolate spoils faster than dark or milk chocolate because it does not contain this component Chocolate- making process 200
What are Cocoa beans/ “nibs”? Chocolate- making process 200
This term, more commonly used by podiatrists, is used to describe chocolate coating that “drips” to the base of truffles because it is not viscous enough. Chocolate- making process 400
What is foot/feet? Chocolate- making process 400
This textile industry term describes the process of grinding chocolate particles to make the final products smooth. Chocolate- making process 600
What is to mill/milling? Chocolate- making process 600
Sugar in the crystalline form does not have the same desirable flow and flavor absorption properties as this type of sugar. Chocolate- making process 800
What is amorphous sugar? Chocolate- making process 800
Lecithin, from the soy bean, is used in chocolate to separate the water globules in fat, allowing liquid chocolate to flow. It makes this type of mixture. Chocolate- making process 1000
What is an emulsion?
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Chemical Structures in Chocolate Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
This is the structure of caffeine, one of the psychoactive compounds in chocolate Click on screen to continue
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