In ELA I learned many new things. For example I learned my suffixes, & how the most common suffix is –Able. In ELA I also learned how I can improve my.


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Presentation transcript:

In ELA I learned many new things. For example I learned my suffixes, & how the most common suffix is –Able. In ELA I also learned how I can improve my writing & my reading. A third thing I learned is many new vocabulary words. For example: Disposition= Your usual mood,  In ELA I learned many new things. For example I learned my suffixes, & how the most common suffix is –Able. In ELA I also learned how I can improve my writing & my reading. A third thing I learned is many new vocabulary words. For example: Disposition= Your usual mood,  Drowsy = Ready to fall asleep. Phonic= Relating to speech. In ELA Ms.Ferranti had the class read many great books like: Maniac Magee, House on Mango Street and, Watson’s go to Birmingham. To me it seems every term I would improve. I also would get better grades.

 In science I learned so many new stuff and it made me feel like I was a scientist. My favorite topic that we did in science would have to be The Human Body System. At first I thought I would have a hard time, but it felt kind of easy. The only part that was tricky was remembering the name of each organ in order. I have to admit though, I did really bad in science for term 1. But then when I took many notes and I practiced as hard as I can, & plus some extra credit. My grades went up &the more we learned the easier it would be.

 In Social Studies I learned many interesting things. We learned about Egypt and Greece. We also learned how Rome was founded by a tribe of Latin's in 700 B.C.E. My favorite project we did was, when we had to write 5 paragraphs about Alexander the Great. I already knew so much about him so I had a feeling it would be quick & easy for me. I don’t think social studies is a hard class. It’s a subject you would want to learn. It’s not boring or anything it’s actually fun.

 In math class it can be pretty difficult, I’m not going to lie. But if you really pay attention you might come and think, “Hey, it makes more sense now!” This is how I always feel sometimes. I get really good grades in math, which is really good. Once I went from a C- to a B+. I was really proud of myself for once. I usually try to do some extra credit and stay for after school hours. I have to say, I enjoy math!

 I am really proud of myself for making it all the way to 6 th grade. I always believed in myself. I was always been a good student in elementary school, and my teacher said she already knew I would make it since the first day she met me. I never thought I would get accepted to TechBoston Academy and look at me now.

 One thing I want to work on is my attitude. I’ve been giving a lot of attitude to people just because they get on my nerves. I don’t think this is okay so I’m trying to change that. I also want to work on my homework. I already have an idea for that which is good. My dad found a great after school in South Boston. I’m going to start going there Monday-Friday. 

 The day before school I couldn’t go to sleep. I was really nerves and scared. I thought no one I knew will come to my school, but then when I came to school half of the people from last year they came to my school.