Ron Pardini, Dean/Director of CABNR/NAES
Positions Eliminated: Associate Director of Nevada Ag Experiment Station Assistant Director of Nevada Ag Experiment Station Associate Dean of Outreach Director of Communications & Marketing Director of Student Retention, Recruitment & Advising 20 Faculty Positions (11 Tenured Faculty) 6 Classified Positions (Support Staff)
Animal Biotechnology Resource Economics
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Nature Resources & Environmental Science (Agriculture, Nutrition and Veterinary Science) New department created with remaining faculty Extensive input from stakeholders on new program selection
Animal Biotechnology Animal Science Agriculture & Applied Economics Environmental & Resource Economics Rangeland Livestock Production No student left behind!
Agricultural Science Rangeland Ecology and Management Forestry Management and Ecology Multi-State Range Education Collaboration
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Ecohydrology Environmental Science (Forestry & Rangeland Management) Nutrition – Dietetics Nutrition – Nutritional Science Veterinary Science Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
Total CABNR Undergrads % CABNR Increase -6.50%1.09%7.93%-.0025%0.02%1.23%12.19%1.98%7.86% Total UNR Undergrads 10,47811,24311,60512,01812,40412,49912,65913,36713,11913,660 % CABNR/UNR 6.48%6.43%6.30%6.57%6.34%6.42% 6.82%7.08%7.34%
NAES Reversions: 2009 = $912, = $155,942
Elimination of 3 vacant positions Elimination of a Post Doctoral Position-Department Chair commitment Elimination of Basic Research funding-previous EPSCOR commitment Extension is proposed for a 70% budget cut which will likely impact CABNR – currently there are 7 State Extension Specialist in CABNR that have a partial FTE paid from Extension funds 5% pay cuts for everyone
Sold for $3.4 million to Great Basin Land & Water The college retained $2.7 million Will use the funds to create an endowment to cover a portion of a faculty member’s salary Income on current S-S operating endowment will be transferred to endowed faculty position
More land sales to come – more endowments to be established Truckee River Flood Project Southeast Connector
Impacts Merge the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources into the College of Science Close the new department – Agriculture, Nutrition and Vet Science Move the Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station (NAES) to the VP of Research Office Decrease the NAES budget from $9.7 in 2009 to $3.05 million
Meet the Land Grant mission of the university and college and demonstrate excellence in: Research-extramural funding generates indirect $$ for VPR office Education-generate strong student SCR and FTE for tuition $$ Outreach-integrate with Extension and political base
Engage stakeholders in decision making process-build strong base of support Establish strong collaborations with other colleges, with Federal and State agencies and engage in multi-state programs Align field lab programs with university mission and stakeholder needs Develop strategies to become less dependent of State support.
Thank You, Ron Pardini, Dean/Director of NAES