I NVESTIGATION OF D YNEIN ’ S L INKER R EGIONS Mentor: Dr. Elisar Barbar Jonathan Yih
R ELEVANCE Role in basic life processes Insight for dynein- associated problems
G OAL Improve understanding of dynein’s structure
B ACKGROUND Motor protein Energy Work Functions: Transport Orienting & positioning organelles Cell division
B ACKGROUND Dynein’s structure Heavy Heads & Chains ATP hydrolysis & movement Light & Intermediate Chains Binding IC LC8 Cargo Heavy Heads and Chains Microtubule
H YPOTHESIS LC8 binding to IC initiates the assembly of the dynein complex.
O VERVIEW Surface Plasmon Resonance Study protein kinetics LC8 with: IC nNOS BIM Swa LC8/IC compex image © Barbar 2007
S URFACE P LASMON R ESONANCE Gold Surface Results! Immobilized Protein (LC8) Incident Light Reflected Light Analyte
S URFACE P LASMON R ESONANCE Protein complex formation A + B AB kaka kdkd
S URFACE P LASMON R ESONANCE Immobilization Time (s)
SPR: LC8 & IC Res SD 6.704
SPR: E XPERIMENTAL D ESIGN Replications Multiple concentrations (5+) Adequate regeneration Reduce mass transport limitations Achieve steady state
A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks to: Dr. Elisar Barbar The Barbar Lab Group Afua Nyarko,Yujuan Song, &Jessica Morgan Nathan Gillock & Aaron Martin Dr. Kevin Ahern The Howard Hughes Medical Institute