Internship in the Health and Community Sectors for Bilingual Students NMIT and Brotherhood of St Laurence Rachel Wilson Christine Sammut
Innovation Fund Priority Areas Addressing skills shortages Workforce development
What we did Identifying students Off-the-job training Matching and Support Structures Student Pathways
Identifying students
Off the job training Combination of ESL and community services training Australian workplace culture and conditions Training as bilingual workers
Workplace Matching and Support Student goals and research Making contact, visiting, meetings Communication with supervisors Facebook Group
Workplace Hosts Collingwood Community Information Centre East Reservoir Neighbourhood Renewal Project ISIS Community Health Centre Jesuit Social Services: Sharing Women’s Lives Metropolitan Fire Brigade, Multicultural Liaison Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health North Yarra Community Health Royal Women’s Hospital Women’s Health Information Centre
“I have learnt many new words, web sites which related to health, Australia workplace culture. In the WHIC can offer information, individualised support and referral options on a wide range of women's health issues which I did not know before”. “I have learnt a lot, it is very diferent work culture in Australia than in my country, work is done very profecionaly but it is respect betwen bos and employe”.
Pathways 4 of original 16 now employed as bilingual health and community workers 11 enrolled in higher level courses in the health and community work field