Prentice Hall c2002Chapter 161 Chapter 17 Amino Acid Catabolism
Urea Excretion as Conversion to: pyruvate acetyl-CoA citric acid cycle intermediates
Digestion by proteases Digestion by proteases
cytosol mitochondria NH 4 + Protein
Aminotransferases catalyze transfer of amino groups of amino acids to -ketoglutarate
Predict the product of amino acid catabolism Alanine?? Aspartate?? Glutamate?? Draw the structure of each amino acid and then predict the product of the transamination reaction. Hint: count the carbons.
Prentice Hall c2002Chapter 168
Prentice Hall c2002Chapter 169 NH 3
Glucose-alanine cycle
Prentice Hall c2002Chapter 1611 Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) measures the amount of urea nitrogen, a waste product of protein metabolism, in the blood. BUN is commonly monitored in hospitals and nursing homes. Adult BUN: 7-20 mg/100 ml; men may be slightly higher Predict whether BUN will increase or decrease in the following cases. Dehydrated patient? Overhydration? Elderly patient? Newborn? High protein diet? Malnutrition? Intestinal bleeding? Pregnancy? Kidney failure? Liver failure? Impaired nutrient absorption?