LCLS Beam Parameters, Status and Run Schedule Rick Iverson for the LCLS team 1 R. Iverson ESTB Workshop SLAC, March 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

LCLS Beam Parameters, Status and Run Schedule Rick Iverson for the LCLS team 1 R. Iverson ESTB Workshop SLAC, March 2011


LCLS on the web: 3 R. Iverson ESTB Workshop SLAC, March 2011


LCLS Short Term Schedule short-term-schedule.pdf 5 R. Iverson ESTB Workshop SLAC, March 2011

Additional availability: BYKIK “On” Upstream of the LCLS undulator, BYKIK kicker is used to park the beam out of the beam line. When BYKIK turns “ON”, the A-line kickers will also fire “ON” to re-direct the LCLS beam in ESTB A-line  ESTB If LCLS experiments don’t need full 120 Hz rate, the remaining beam is parked out by BYKIK.

Number of pulses per hour parked on BYKIK dump in December, About ~5% additional availability to ESTB/ESA. Additional availability: BYKIK “On”

LCLS Schedule This Down Time (now to mid May) MCC electrical work and PPS certification End of May LCLS starts up and runs until Christmas (last week in October off) October 25-Nov 1: Install HXRSS chicane in undulator hall Linac off from Christmas to end of January LCLS running resumes February 2012 R. Iverson ESTB Workshop SLAC, March