REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP #08-56 Project Management and Procurement Assistance Consultant for an Intelligent Transit System Solution (I.T.S.S.) October 15, 2008 Department of Transit & Parking
Distribute Current Copies of RFP & Short Range Transit Plans Introduction Importance of project to Santa Rosa CityBus Transit System Characteristics Important Dates Requested Consultant Services and Scope of Work City Contract, Insurance Documents and Check List Questions and Answers AGENDA
IMPORTANT DATES Proposal Release: October 1, 2008 Pre-Proposal Meeting: October 15, 2008 Deadline for Questions: October 17, 12 noon PST RFP Closing: November 12, 5 p.m. PST Interviews: (Tentative) Week of November 17, 2008 Contract Award: (Tentative) Week of December 16, 2008
CONTACT INFORMATION Scott Allen Mona Babauta City of Santa Rosa, Department of Transit 100 Santa Rosa Avenue, Room 6 45 Stony Point Road Santa Rosa, CA Santa Rosa, CA (707) 543 – 3118 (voice) (707) 543 – 3331 (voice) (707) 543 – 3326 (fax) (707) 543 – 3782 (fax) (707) 326 – 7578 (cell)
Project management and procurement assistance services for the procurement of an Intelligent Transit System Solution (I.T.S.S.) Conduct and prepare a needs assessment pertaining to (I.T.S.S) for CityBus Prepare technical specifications for the RFP for (I.T.S.S.) Perform pre-contract award services for (I.T.S.S.) contract. Manage the installation of (I.T.S.S) project after contract is awarded as set forth in the scope of work REQUESTED CONSULTANT SERVICES
SCOPE OF WORK Needs assessment CAD, Radio, GPS, AVL & Schedule Adherence system. Provide a written narrative explaining each portion of the needs assessment, the methodology for undertaking each part of the scope of work. The narrative should also include phasing strategy as it pertains to the Short Range Transit Plan. Included in the needs assessment should be a comprehensive list of required equipment, radio channels, and employee training necessary to proceed with (I.T.S.S.) implementation. Analysis of coordination opportunities with proximate transit agencies (Golden Gate Transit, Sonoma County Transit) shall also be included in the needs assessment report.
SCOPE OF WORK CONTINUED Develop Santa Rosa CityBus proposed RFP for the (I.T.S.S.) project. The RFP should focus on promoting maximum competition and minimum pricing in line with quality equipment and functional system design. RFP will be completed by consultant under guidance of the City of Santa Rosa in the standard format used by the City of Santa Rosa. Consultant to provide to Santa Rosa CityBus a listing of possible proposers to which the RFP shall be mailed. The Consultant shall conduct the request for letters, and place suitable advertisements.
SCOPE OF WORK CONTINUED PRE-(I.T.S.S.) Project proposal meeting. Assist in conducting a Pre-proposal meeting with prospective proposers. Questions will be submitted to Consultant from proposers. Consultant in conjunction with CityBus will clarify in writing all questions and answers. Proposal review responsibility: –Written overview of project proposals –Price Analysis for Proposals –Compliance with Requirements –Recommendations pertaining to the contract
SCOPE OF WORK CONTINUED Establishment of Implementation Criteria Software Design Specifications (documents may be obtained from manufacturer of application) (I.T.S.S.) Project Meeting Minutes and Reports. Discussion of each action item and an assigned schedule for completion shall be completed by the Consultant. Updated (I.T.S.S.) Project Specification. The Consultant shall keep the (I.T.S.S) project specifications updated. Any changes to the project specifications must be approved in writing by the CityBus Project Manager
SCOPE OF WORK CONTINUED Area Coverage Testing and Monitoring to include two-way data and voice exchange. A report showing coverage of at least 10 points per square mile shall be tested. Testing to be completed in the presence of CityBus appointed personnel. Supervision and coordination of mobile data hardware and radio communications equipment Supervision of Central Dispatch System Installation Supervision of (I.T.S.S) Project Software Installation and Testing Training. The selected Consultant will be responsible for arranging and organizing all training on the newly installed system in coordination with CityBus staff. Public Relations – Marketing. Develop a public relations plan including recommendations on branding that will target both the general public and Santa Rosa City staff as audiences
SCOPE OF WORK CONTINUED Manuals and Documentation – The consultant shall inspect, request modifications and provide approval in conjunction with CityBus Project Manager all manuals offered including those specifically written for the project (i.e. Dispatcher manuals, Operator manuals, System software etc.) Acceptance testing – The consultant shall oversee all contractor acceptance testing, and issue reports covering compliance and recommendations as they pertain to acceptance or rejection of the testing. (Santa Rosa CityBus will budged for one set of tests and will not be responsible for multiple tests. Consultants should take this into account in their costing and comments) Maintenance – Consultant to review short and long term maintenance requirements and provide a report with recommendations. Report will include costs for warranty and service. (Maintenance and Service must be available from a local firm)
SCOPE OF WORK CONTINUED Financial Control – The selected consultant will be required to recommend payment adjustment, non-payment of all invoices. All recommended changes require a signature of the Santa Rosa CityBus Project Manager. Consultant shall maintain an updated financial control sheet to the line item level Overruns – The consultant contract is for a “not to exceed” amount for project management of the new I.T.S.S project. Proposed cost overruns shall be presented must be presented in writing to Santa Rosa CityBus. If applicable addressing of any additional costs shall be evaluated and approval lies with Santa Rosa CityBus. Santa Rosa CityBus is not responsible for any cost over the “not to exceed”
SCOPE OF WORK CONTINUED Schedules for Consultant and (I.T.S.S.) Project (I.T.S.S.) Project timeline two weeks Development of (I.T.S.S.) RFP: Two months RFP Issued: Six Weeks Completion and acceptance of (I.T.S.S.) Two years Sample Documentation – Shall be presented to Santa Rosa CityBus project manager for review and approval of documentation within one week of Consultant award. This is not intended to be examples of specifications but rather control documentation for the (I.T.S.S.) project.
Cost Proposal Project Management Consultant Cost Proposal – The proposal should be broken into two work sections RFP development (I.T.S.S.) management and contract award services, and (I.T.S.S.) management on an hourly rate to include number of hours for each task, expenses, to include a “not to exceed” amount for each section. The proposal must be detailed by task, hours on-site, hours off-site, and who is performing each task. The proposal shall also include a detailed estimate of other expenses such as travel, hotels, the number of on-site visits and their length of time.
FTA Compliance required Insurance requirements set for by City of Santa Rosa and no deviation from those requirements are allowed Contract for services are the standard city contract deviation from this contract is generally not allowed. Check list of items necessary for submission is located on page 48 of the RFP ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Thank You for Attending Today’s Pre-Proposal Meeting for (I.T.S.S.) Consultant Services RFP # Mona Babauta & Scott Allen QUESTIONS & ANSWERS