P11213 Robotic Arm Analysis 3 Motor Case: -Based on mechanical calculations for arm -Assuming 932 oz/in holding torque for motor 1 -Assuming 434 oz/in holding torque for motor 2 (i.e. worse case operation for motors – locked holding a load) Typical Servo Current: 830 mA no 6V mA max 6V Calculations: Max I = 3A + 3A = 6A+ If constantly in use, we need a battery that can at least 0.5 C of discharge for a 12 Ah battery to get 2 hours of use (just the arm)
P Bar Analysis 1 Motor Case: -Based on mechanical calculations -Using a servo with 200 oz in stall torque -Assuming max torque from setup 100 oz in Typical Servo Current: 285 mA no 6V 3000 mA max 6V Calculations: Max I =~ 1000 mA If constantly in use, we need a battery that can at least handle.25 C of discharge for a 4 Ah battery to get 4 hours of use (just the MSA)
P11213 Pros & Cons 3 Motor Case: Pros: Servos have built in encoders so positioning the motors is simple compared to others No motor drivers needed. Cons: Need some type of regulation (step down from batt voltage) to run servos Expensive and complicated Draws a significant amount of current
P11213 IC to IC Communication Analysis UART UART Case: Highest speed for ATMega with External 16 MHz : 31 kB/s (~15.5 kB/s for internal 8 MHz) 1 byte (8 bits) per packet Data communication packet structure:\ Max Message Latency: Time through USART: 7B / 31kBps = 225us Time through USART: 7B / 15.5kBps = 450us
P11213 IC to IC Communication Analysis UART UART Case: Same instruction set used through the RF for the controls board: Forward Backward Left Right M1 + M1 - M2 + M2 - M3 + M3 - M4 + M4 - M5 + M5 - M6 + M6 - M7 + M7 - M8 + M8 – 5 bit: instruction bit: speed 0-15 X bit: redundancy 5 instructions at once (5+4+9)*3= 54 bits/instruction set