Improving Delivery of Home Nursing Care Andrew Jones-Roberts RDNS David Coombe GISCA National Centre for Social Applications of GIS
The challenge - contract
The challenge - clients
The challenge - staff
The challenge – cars / resources
Service planning What does the ageing population mean for your service? Is access to your service equitable across your catchment? Is there a shift happening re where older people live? How can you capitalise on your data and new technologies to improve planning?
Preparing the data - RDNS Existing client database Unique ID Name Address Age Visit information (number of, type, & hours) Language spoken
Preparing the data - GISCA Insert GISCA data base showing added columns. Eg. Geocode, SLA short code RDNS clients by age groups (eg 65+, 75+)
Preparing the data - Census
Preparing the data - RDNS RDNS client data RDNS sites Geo-coded to property address
Producing the maps 2006 Census Population aged 65+
Producing the maps RDNS 2006 data Clients receiving a service
Producing the maps RDNS data and Census: Clients aged 65+ receiving a service as a percentage of population aged 65+
Producing the maps 2006 Census Population aged 65+ with Core Need for Assistance
Producing the maps RDNS data and Census: Clients aged 65+ as a percentage of population aged 65+ with Core Need for Assistance
Producing the maps Average visit hours per client
So what? Service development priorities to address inconsistencies
So what? Service development priorities to address inconsistencies Equitable distribution of our workforce
So what? Service development priorities to address inconsistencies Equitable distribution of our workforce Current and future site catchments
So what? Service development priorities to address inconsistencies Equitable distribution of our workforce Current and future site catchments Locations of future sites
So what? Service development priorities to address inconsistencies Equitable distribution of our workforce Current and future site catchments Locations of future sites Opportunities for growth funding