1 Juma was founded in 1993 with a single Ben & Jerry's Scoop Shop in San Francisco, becoming the first nonprofit organization in U.S. history to be awarded a corporate business franchise. Juma has since grown from a job-training and placement program serving 25 youth to a comprehensive, award-winning youth development program considered one of the premier social enterprise programs in the U.S. Juma Ventures
2 Mission: Juma's mission is to break the cycle of poverty by ensuring that young people complete a four-year college education. Vision: Juma Ventures is a powerful force for change for under-resourced youth who are motivated to earn a college degree. Juma youth engage in an innovative, award-winning program that integrates employment in social enterprises, college preparation, financial literacy and matched savings accounts. Juma's comprehensive, award-winning program empowers low-income youth to transcend challenging circumstances, fulfill their inherent potential and positively impact their communities. Juma Ventures
CollegeSet Initiative 3 CollegeSet is a ground-breaking public-private venture with an overall goal to improve the financial future of students so that they have a greater chance of successfully graduating from college CollegeSet provides: 1. Financial capability training to more than 1,000 low-income students 2. College savings accounts and fee-free transactional bank accounts 3. Match-savings of up to $1,500 per youth for educational expenses 4. Coaching to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid 5. An online platform to promote the collaborative, connect individual donors with youth savers, and educate participant families and the general public about college savings opportunities
Project Proposal: CollegeSet App 4 WHAT: An iPhone app to engage 1,000+ young people in a community promoting financial capability and educational goals WHY: Break out of the poverty mindset, increase savings/delay of gratification behavior WHAT: Direct links to personal budgets and long-term financial goals Distinguishes assets vs. liabilities and promotes wealth accumulation (savings) A game with check-ins/a point system to encourage participation Peer approval and encouragement of savings behavior SIMILAR TO: Mint.com Numbers Intuit Debtfree
Questions? 5 Contact: Adriane Gamble, CollegeSet Director /