Problem based learning case1 Mohammed al-matrafi
A previously healthy fourteen-month-old presents to the Emergency Department following 2-3 minutes of abnormal movment. The child was sleepy initially but is now awake, alert, and easily consoled by her parents. Her temperature is 39,8c.
You meet her mother ? What further information you want to get from her ?! ( brain map ) interactive
While takeing the history from her parent Fits ocuur again in ER. What you will do ?
The patient is stablized and you decide to admit her as case of ………………………. ? Task ( what are the important sign in physical exam )
Febrile convulsion : – age – Risk factor – Types : Simple Complex – prognosis
Her parents ask you about if this situation occure again? What you will advice them ?
They are concern about long term complication, what you will tell them.