Teaching What is it?
Teaching How should mathematics be taught?
TED Talks: Teaching Kids Real Math with Computers » Mathematically Sane kids-real-math-with-computers/ kids-real-math-with-computers/
What do you think?
Goofy - Teachers Are People eature=related eature=related
Models of Mathematics Teaching Based on review of literature in mathematics education, the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of education and research on Teaching and Learning, Kuhs and Ball (1986) identified “at least four dominant and distinctive views of how mathematics should be taught.”
So as a teacher what does research tell us: What is most important? Content? Pedagogy? Technology?
Models of Mathematics Teaching Learner focused Content focused with emphasis on conceptual understanding Content focused with an emphasis on performance Classroom focused
Can you share your thoughts on other models?
What does research tell us about pedagogy? Call it what you would like! Student- centered Active Learning Constructivism Learning by doing PartneringInquiry-basedCase-basedProject-basedProblem-based
Your Thoughts on What is Important to Teaching?