Design Document Spec by Jun Sze Chun Chan School of Computing University of Teesside Mutineer Online Spec.1
Notes This presentation briefly explains the design/game’s unique features and gameplay. Please read the notes for further explanations of the contents/pictures shown in this presentation. For more detailed gameplay ideas and features, please refer to the design document. Mutineer Online Spec.2
Mutineer Online PC MMO Beat’em Up Nation vs. Nation Territory War Battleground System Strategy Focused Gameplay Ranking System No Leveling 3rd Person and RTS Gameplay Instant swapping between 2 interfaces without gameplay interference Units Control Non-Targeting System Strategic Skills Customization Powerful Character/Equipments Realtime Physics Engine Random Weather and Environment System Quests and Items Anti-Cheat Gameplay System Mutineer Online Spec.3
PC MMO Beat’em Up A world of war, where PvP occurs everywhere. Players joining a nation to war the others. Never ending PvP. Invasions occur alongside the borders and players have to defend/invade in order to expand their territories. Over 80 players battling in one battleground of the total numbers are AIs. AIs’ re-spawn time depends on remaining posts in the battleground and the nation’s resource available. Strategy usage and forces’ morale determines the game’s difficulty. Queuing system allows players to queue on a battleground. He’ll be notified when a slot is available. Limited potions usage increasing the game’s difficulty and allowing queuing players to quickly join the battle. Players died in the battleground will leave the battleground and resurrects in the nearest village. No time limit. The battle continues until one of the side fails to defend their posts. New players can join the battle whenever there are free slots. Mutineer Online Spec.4
Nation vs. Nation 4 nations warring each other. Battles occur alongside the borders (at the zones within the border regions). The grey area is a neutral region that belongs to nobody. Whoever captures all the zones within the region will gain it. Invasions continues randomly, unless the nation’s out of resources. A high ranked and requirement reached player can request to start an invasion (if the nations’ resource allows). AIs randomly invades enemy territories. Mutineer Online Spec.5
Territory War A region consists of many different zones. And a zone consists of few areas. The red areas are where the battles occur. Unsigned players cannot access these areas. Occupation of a region ends when one successfully seize all the zones. Posts capture, castle siege, village war and more. Mutineer Online Spec.6
Battleground System Battleground differs from castle siege to desert war. Only signed up players can join the battleground. Possible to queue to join the battle. Realtime world system. Battleground’s world is the actual world. A camp will appear and surrounds the ground where battle occurs. It serves as the ground’s border. The camp serves as loading area. Un-signed players cannot pass the area. Players can freely move around in the camp while the ground is loading. Mutineer Online Spec.7
Ranking System Forsaking standard level system, ranking system prevents massive grinding. Player’s rank’s determined by his total score (total number + percentage of wins). Only skills levelling require experience points, which can be obtained through battles and skills usage. A rank determines a player’s stats, equipment and unit usage. Minor stats differences between players, ranks and AIs. This allows new players to play against experienced players, without worrying about overpowered high level players. Similar stats’ AIs make the gameplay harder, and forcing players to cleverly using strategy skills to make a easier win. Mutineer Online Spec.8
3 rd Person & RTS Gameplay Providing both 3 rd Person and RTS Interface (aka Satellite Mode). Instant swap between 2 interfaces with 1 single button (Battleground only). Units control can be done in Satellite Mode (Command giving). Interface will be slightly changed when swapping between 2 modes. Player Character can be controlled in both interfaces. Mutineer Online Spec.9
Player Units Player units (aka soldiers) can be obtained by employments. One can have up to 10 player units. Units’ stats are independent. Once they die, they’re gone forever together with the equipments assigned to them. Players can re-/un-employ their units. Only player units can execute strategic skills. Mutineer Online Spec.10
Non-Targeting System Dropping click and target feature. Non-targeting system provides AoE effect which damages units within a certain range. Distance, timing and direction determines damage output and defence’s success rate. Higher tension gameplay. Massive damaging sounds provide more excitement and urge of domination. Using FPS movement control and mouse clicks as attack/defence. A more flexible controls and gameplay. Mutineer Online Spec.11
Strategic Skills Using Environments as part of the skills. Skills like creating a dam, trap, shortcut, using fire, flood and more. Weather affects the skills outcome. Some of the skills requires preparation before actual execution. Preparation time depends on the total number of units “working” and their stats. Possible to help allies’ units in order to shorten the preparation time. Strategic skills’ outcome affects morals, which affects the game’s difficulty. Mutineer Online Spec.12
Customization Powerful character customization system. Using slide bars to customize player character. Every nation have their own style in armours and clothes. Clothing is possible. It can be useful while travelling to the enemy territories as camouflage. Equipments’ colour can be changed by using dyes. Enhancements can be done using rare materials and special items. Player units’ armour colour and their names can be changed. Mutineer Online Spec.13
Realtime Physics Engine Random weather system. Weather affects strategic skills. (i.e. Fire attack under heavy rain results failed execution of the skills). Skills changes the environments (i.e. Burned down trees). Re-grow/Repair system (for burned down trees and ruined castle gates). Damage output depends on the distance and angle. Mutineer Online Spec.14
Quests and Items Items can be obtained as findings in battleground or by doing quests. Quests consists of deliveries, monster hunting, battleground missions etc. NPCs are located all over the world. Some of the quests may request player to go to the enemy territory (Depending on the owner of the region). However, the quests destination and NPC won’t change. Black market allows players to obtain items from enemy players (i.e. Items that happens to be found in enemy territories only). Players can buy/sell their items by using private shops, or through auction which lets players bid. Items can be used to create/customize and enhance equipments. Mutineer Online Spec.15
Anti-Cheat Gameplay System Ranking system prevents players from ”leeching exp”. Idle players in the ground will be automatically kicked from the ground (teleport to the nearest village), thus a free slot is open for queuing players. Skill experience points can only be gained by actual usage of the skill. Offensive skills can only be activated when there are enemies within the range. This prevents ”bots” spamming skills in battleground yet able to stay in the ground due to its movements. Items and gold can only be obtained through battles and quests. Mutineer Online Spec.16
Designed by Jun Sze Chun Chan Mutineer Online Spec.17