By USNDA Board 2/16/2011
SMDEP: Summer Medical and Dental Enrichment Program DEADLINE: PASSED, Next year application opens Nov. 1 DESCRIPTION: WHAT: Academic enrichment in the basic sciences (organic chemistry, physics, biology) and pre-calculus/calculus, Career development, Learning-skills seminar, Limited clinical exposure, and A financial- planning workshop WHO: Freshmen and Sophomore students WHEN and HOW LONG: Summer for Six Week and you can pick from 12 locations CO$T: FREE tuition, meals, and housing! Matter of fact they PAY YOU! WEBSITE:
Gateway to Dentistry at UMDNJ DEADLINE: FEB. 22! DESCRIPTION: WHAT: Bird’s eye view of dentistry, Hands-on experiences of various, introduction to student life; hands on clinical techniques; introduction to dental specialties; preclinical laboratory procedures; financial aid projections; admissions process & counseling WHO: ALL Undergrad and Grad Students WHEN and HOW LONG: Two sessions in the year: Winter and Summer one each for 2 weeks CO$T: $50 for App and $150 for equipment and materials WEBSITE:
Introduction to Dentistry Summer Course at Penn DEADLINE: ALREADY Filled but for next year! DESCRIPTION: WHAT: You can gain hands-on experience in the type of preclinical coursework encountered in dental school courses designed to develop your psychomotor skills WHO: 18+ WHEN and HOW LONG: Usually in June for 6 days CO$T: $1,700 for all equipment, housing, and meals WEBSITE: program/introduction_to_dentistry_summer_course program/introduction_to_dentistry_summer_course CONTACT INFO:
UCLA PREP Program DEADLINE: March 1 ALL documents need to be in! DESCRIPTION: WHAT: designed to provide premedical and pre-dental students from disadvantaged backgrounds with a means of strengthening their ability and readiness to study medicine or dentistry. As a result of full participation in UCLA PREP, participants should have enhanced their chances of being accepted to medical or dental school and succeeding once there. WHO: Disadvantaged Students (undergrad and grad) WHEN and HOW LONG: June 15 th for 7 weeks CO$T: Free!! And stipend is provided for those who are not from the area WEBSITE: APPLICATION: plication.pdf plication.pdf
Profile for Success at the University of Michigan DEADLINE: Feb. 16!!!! TODAY! DESCRIPTION: WHAT: A program designed to expose participants to health careers in dentistry and medicine for the purpose of developing competitive applicants for dental and medical schools. WHO: Disadvantaged college Juniors or Seniors WHEN and HOW LONG: May 16 for seven weeks CO$T: FREE! WEBSITE: APPLICATION: ralaffairs/2011%20PFS%20Pre-Dent%20Application%20FINAL.pdf ralaffairs/2011%20PFS%20Pre-Dent%20Application%20FINAL.pdf
RAMpS Reaching Academic Milestones through Participation and Service DEADLINE: Feb. 18 th DESCRIPTION: WHAT: In a distinctive summer enrichment program, Reaching Academic Milestones through Participation and Service, students are engaged in academic enrichment activities such as biochemistry, microbiology, dental instruction, health disparities, ethics and professionalism. WHO: Juniors and Seniors WHEN and HOW LONG: May 31 for 6 weeks CO$T: FREE! WEBSITE: APPLICATION:
College Summer Fellowship Program at UCONN DEADLINE: March 15th DESCRIPTION: WHAT: Provides an opportunity to participate in the research activities of a laboratory at the School of Medicine or Dental Medicine under the direction of a faculty member. The purpose of the program is to provide a research enrichment experience and some exposure to clinical medicine or dental medicine. WHO: Current Sophomores and Juniors WHEN and HOW LONG: June and for 10 weeks CO$T: $30 application. Housing is NOT provided WEBSITE: APPLICATION: merapp.pdf merapp.pdf
CVIM Clinic Community Volunteers in Medicine DESCRIPTION: WHAT: Will have an opportunity to shadow AND assist dental students and dentists who work at the clinic. They will teach you how to chart patient information, sterilize instruments, take x-rays, and assist. If you continue for a certain amount of time you will be able to take a test and become x-ray certified. WHO: Anyone but you need health insurance WHEN and WHERE: Anytime and West Chester, PA (passed KOP) CO$T: Free but have to find transportation WEBSITE: CONTACT:
Shadowing at Kornberg Dental or Penn Dental Kornberg: CONTACT: Brian Hahn and let him know you are part of USNDA and want to shadow a dental WHEN: Anytime even during school year and summer WHAT: Get to shadow a dental student Penn: CONTACT: Ask you mentor at Penn if you don’t have one then contact WHEN: Anytime!
Provides a list of research opportunities in science and math Sign up for their listserv because they send out s about new summer opportunities and workshops throughout the year Very helpful because they about the most recent research opportunities
Apply EARLY! Get all Letters of Recommendation in advance! Start writing your personal statement Do further research for the program Make sure you meet the requirements Thank you