CSE115: Introduction to Computer Science I Dr. Carl Alphonce 219 Bell Hall Office hours: M-F 11:00-11:
Reminders & Announcements Final exam: –Monday, 12/14, 11:45 AM – 2:45 PM CSEUGSA –115/116/250 Exam Review Saturday, 12/12 Time – starting at 1:00 PM Room – Bell 242
Objects properties –stored in (private) instance variables behaviors –defined by (public) methods class definition is “blueprint” for objects creation –new + constructor space allocated on heap yields a reference to the object
Classes definition = header + body –header access control modifier name extends clause (optional) implements clause (optional) –body instance variable declarations constructor and method definitions –constructor basic role is to set initial value of each instance variable
Variable declarations All variable declarations have: –type –name Instance variable declarations have: –access control modifier –type –name Local variable/parameter declarations have: –type –name
Scope instance variable –entire class body local variable –from point of declaration to end of method (block) parameter –entire method body
Lifetime instance variable –same as object local variable –duration of method call parameter –duration of method call
Relationships composition association dependency generalization implementation
Methods definition = header + body –header access control modifier return type specification (void or typename) name parameter list –body statements and declarations
Method calls methods are called on objects –need a reference –reference can be new as in: new Ant().start(); –or pre-existing as in: a.start(); assuming: Ant a = new Ant();
Patterns Holder Proxy State
Primitives primitives are not objects eight primitive types: –boolean –floating point float double –integral unsigned: char signed: byte, short, int, long
Control structure overview if-else statement if ( ) else true false
Control structure overview if statement if ( ) true false
Control structure overview while statement while ( ) true false
Exercises Check out the ControlStructureExamples project from the LectureCode repository.