Presentation of INRIA Bologne 2010 – Michel Cosnard 1
The French Institute for Research in ICST Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND EXPERIMENT EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRANSFER AND INNOVATION A scientific and technological public institution under the dual authority of the Ministry of Research and the Ministry of Industry 2
INRIA 2010 Key figures PEOPLE (2500 paid by INRIA ) ASSOCIATED TEAMS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD 67 RESEARCH CENTERS IN FRANCE 8 SCIENTISTS 1000 Doctoral students 100 Post-Doctoral 300 R&D engineers 3150 PROJECT TEAMS 174 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS 4500 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES 24 A BUDGET OF €220 M Of which more than 25% from external resources ACTIVE PATENTS (in total) SOFTWARE lic
Applied Mathematics, Computation and Simulation 1 Algorithmics, Programming, Software and Architecture 2 Networks, Systems and Services, Distributed Computing 3 Perception, Cognition, Interaction 4 Computational Sciences for Biology, Medicine and the Environment 5 5 MAIN RESEARCH TOPICS 4
INRIA’s Research Centres INRIA GRENOBLE Rhône-Alpes INRIA SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS Méditerranée INRIA RENNES Bretagne Atlantique INRIA BORDEAUX Sud-Ouest INRIA SACLAY Île-de-France INRIA LILLE Nord Europe INRIA NANCY Grand Est INRIA PARIS - Rocquencourt 5
INRIA Project-Team 10 to 30 people, with a scientific leader A focused scientific theme A limited lifespan: 7 to 12 years Medium-term objectives and work program Linked to and cooperating with industrial and scientific partners, in France and around the world Financial and scientific autonomy An obligation to transfer A priori and a posteriori evaluation AN ORGANIZATION THAT COMPLEMENTS THE UNIVERSITIES AN ORGANIZATION THAT COMPLEMENTS THE UNIVERSITIES 6
Priorities and Ambitions : 4 YEAR STRATEGY A An approach initiated 15 years ago A 4 year forward vision Priorities in our areas of excellence : Modeling, Programming, Communicating and Interacting Computational Sciences, Engineering and medicine A scientific action context and in support of research 7
Modeling Programming Communicating Interacting Computational engineering Computational medicine Computational sciences The scientific and technological challenges 2008 – 2012 Strategic Plan
Modeling, simulation and optimization of complex dynamic systems Scientific simulation and visualization for the environment Plasma fusion simulation for the ITER program
Programming: Guaranteed and secure computing Cryptography and security of ambient networks Vulnerabilities, attacks and defenses Joint verification of safety and security properties Certified development of industrial software components
Communication, distributed computing and ubiquitous systems Design and evaluation of new Internet architectures Experimentation grid Services and uses
Interaction between real and virtual worlds Real-time semantic categorization Multimodal consultation of multimedia data Autonomy for elderly and disabled people Assistance and services robotics in the human environment
Computational engineering: embedded systems Engineering of embedded software and systems in a physical object strongly present in the design cycle, high dynamic and safety constraints Architecture of the embedded system Design, validation and verification of the embedded software Operational safety and security Life cycle, supervision, diagnostics, reconfiguration
Computational engineering Virtual prototyping platform Integration of approaches with models and components
Numerical sciences Numerical materials: atomic scale for nanosystems Numerical cell: structural, genetic and genomic functional biology, systemic biology Numerical plant, biological and agronomic models for the plant in the plot, micro- algae Numerical ecology: integration of various trophic levels and types of species behavioral models Numerical biosphere and numerical environment: modeling, observation, early detection, experimentation in-silico
Numerical sciences Protein docking Cellular dynamics Agrobiological plant models
Numeric models of the human body Numeric models of the human body Medical Images Signals Data Medical Images Signals Data Diagnostic Interpretation Identification personalization Prediction Simulation of therapies Planning Optimization Planning Optimization Geometric Statistics Physical Physiology Numerical medicine
Modeling, visualization and interactive manipulation of a numerical heart Numerical and functional brain mapping Interface between the nervous system and artificial systems Numerical surgical environment Software platform for the simulation and integration of medical models
Scientific partnerships INRIA Project-Teams working jointly with universities,schools and other research bodies from France, Europe and many other countries Cooperative research actions involving external research teams Teaching higher education; doctoral research agreements Relations with research bodies in other disciplines: Inserm, Institut Pasteur, Inrets, Cirad, Onera, Andra… 19
Distribution of scientific knowledge Organization of schools and symposia INRIA schools, seminars and workshops National and international conferences Sponsorship of events Involvement of researchers in teaching Within university teaching programs In the “Grandes Ecoles” (Ecole Polytechnique, ENS, INSA, etc.) HAL - INRIA OPEN ARCHIVES Interstices: A scientific culture web site 20
Technology Transfer : Fundamentals TRANSFER One of the key missions INRIA THE THREE WAYS OF TRANSFER Transfer of ideas, technologies and « people » R&D partnership (collaborative projects) Technology transfer (software or patent) Transfer of knowledge / know how (expertise, mobility) ORGANIZATION Transfer and Innovation Department (DTI) Headquarters & national networks Officers in charge of partnerships and technological transfer in each center A SUBSIDIARY: INRIA-Transfert (coaching of spin-off companies) 21
R&D partnerships with industry « Future Internet : key enabler for the digital society » (EIT ICT Labs) Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs: Joint Laboratory Orange Labs: strategic actions Thomson: Paris Lab for Future Internet « Convergence of embedded systems and Internet (Internet of Things), multi-core technologies» ST Microelectronics Plateform 2012 with STMicroelectronics and CEA « High Performance Computing as a strategical issue » EDF R&D: numerical simulationfor energy Bull and CEA/DAM: conception « Security and surety of software systems: a transverse issue» EADS Thales INRIA – Microsoft Research Joint Laboratory « Software edition: a logical target for transfer at INRIA» Dassault Systemes (toward an innovation-driven partnership) 22
Company start-ups INRIA TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES INRIA PROMOTES COMPANY START-UPS 100 companies created, with fifty in operation Ilog, Realviz, Trusted Logic… 6 companies created in 2009 : Golaem, HARMONIC PHARMA, SenseYou, Syneika, Antelink and Verbatim Analysis vera. 3 compagnies created in 2010 : Sysfera, Karrus, Lyatiss. By providing effective start-up support structures INRIA Participation, IT Translation, IT2I By promoting seed-financing I-Source 1 and 2, C-Source, T-Source By working in partnership and networking Regional incubators 23
Technological developments Experimentation and development services Support for standardization Technological development actions Experimental platforms Software development operations 24
European partnerships Key player in the European Research Area Involvement in more than 105 Europeans projects in the 7 th Framework Programme Coordination of more than 20 European projects in the FP7 16 ERC grants in INRIA project teams Driving force of EIT ICT Labs (French node), the cluster aimed to build the Future Information Society in Europe Founder member and driving force within ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Development of contacts with major European industrial groups AIR&D, joint virtual ambient intelligence laboratory (INRIA, Philips, Thomson, Fraunhofer) Scilab, Objectweb consortia Creation of bilateral collaboration with other European countries 25
International relations A joint research laboratory LIAMA: French-Chinese computer science, control and applied mathematics laboratory INRIA project-teams linked with foreign teams as a part of the INRIA Partner Teams program, to promote the success of cooperation over the long term Joint Laboratories throughout the world : Inria-Urbana Champain (US) and LIRIMA (International Laboratory for Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in Africa) CIRIC (Joint R&D center in Chile) Visits of scientists from other countries Mobility program 26