Staff of individuals in a teaming environment valuing diversity building trust creating culture
Notre Dame Mission Statement Badin Goals Badin Vision Statement
Building Christian Community by Developing Relationships Safety and security Heart and Mind Stewardship & Sustainability Badin & Notre Dame Spirit
Personal Development Self Integration Professional Development Cohesive Teamwork Spiritual/ Ministerial Spirituality of PRESENCE Badin Hall Staff Development Model
Presence is the essence of caring... caring, in fact, is presencing. To care [for the self] is holy because it’s an intentional imitation of divine Presencing. To care is to make oneself available, as God makes Godself available, in a meaningful, intimate, and creative way, to one’s deepest nature, to other humans, and ultimately to Godself. To care is to embrace and celebrate the PRESENCE that percolates throughout existence, and in doing so to assent to BE. To care is to become fully human... like Jesus. Adapted from Practicing Presence:: The Spirituality of Caring in Everyday Life by Kerry Walters (pp )
Spirituality of PRESENCE essence of being an AR / RA e.g. oxygen mask on air flights 1 Spiritual / Ministerial
1. Physical 2. Emotional 3. Spiritual 4. Academic 5. Social 6. Psychological Personal presence to self: attentiveness to and care of self on all levels.
1. Physical 2. Emotional 3. Spiritual 4. Academic 5. Social 6. Psychological 1. Practicing Presence 2. Peace in Every Step 3. Journal 4. Conscious Examen RESOURCES Personal presence to self: attentiveness to and care of self on all levels.
1. Physical 2. Emotional 3. Spiritual 4. Academic 5. Social 6. Psychological 1. Practicing Presence 2. Peace in Every Step 3. Journal 4. Conscious Examen 1. Badin Hall Staff days 2. Sept / Oct 3. Nov... Course of Action RESOURCES Personal presence to self: attentiveness to and care of self on all levels.
Working together well as a team can sometimes be a challenge. The personality of each member contributes to the identity of the team and influences the way the team operates. Effective teamwork, whether amid diversity or homogeneity, requires effective communication: making space for the contributions of others and shifting behavior to meet others at their view of the world. Effective communication involves self-knowledge and self-awareness – knowing our own perspectives, needs, values, and talents, and knowing our own bias and potential shortcomings. It is essential that each type contribute to the team, lead others, and express their blind spots in order for the TEAM to be at its best!
Myers Briggs Type Indicator Workshop during staff training Integrate type resources / read during nights on duty 2 Personal Development: self integration for LEADERSHIP
U nderstanding one’s own Type - Solving problems - Style of Leadership - Naturally bring to a team - Potential Blind Spots - Dealing with Stress - How you learn - Challenging self - Personal growth tips SELF Integration for Leadership
U nderstanding one’s own Type - Solving problems - Style of Leadership - Naturally bring to a team - Potential Blind Spots - Dealing with Stress - How you learn - Challenging self - Personal growth tips Workbooks: - Quick Gui de - Introduction to... series Staff Library SELF Integration for Leadership RESOURCES
SD Claire Anna Sophia Mary Libbey Alex
U nderstanding one’s own Type - Solving problems - Style of Leadership - Naturally bring to a team - Potential Blind Spots - Dealing with Stress - How you learn - Challenging self - Personal growth tips Workbooks: - Introduction to... series - Quick Gui de Staff Library - Complete MBTI in summer - Hall Staff workshop - On-going staff development - Personal reading SELF Integration for Leadership RESOURCES Course of Action
“If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time.” TEAMS can achieve more than individuals could ever imagine doing alone.
The FIVE Dysfunctions of a Team General Introduction during Hall Staff Training days On-going development and assessment 3 Professional Development: Cohesive TEAMWORK
The 5 Dysfunctions Building Trust Mastering Conflict Achieving Commitment Embracing Accountability Focusing on Results Cohesive TEAMWORK
The FIVE Dysfunctions of a Team For any team to consistently accomplish the results that it sets out to achieve, it must overcome five common dysfunctions. ABSENCE OF TRUST FEAR OF CONFLICT LACK OF COMMITMENT AVOIDANCE OF ACCOUNTABILITY INATTENTION TO RESULTS
The 5 Dysfunctions Building Trust Mastering Conflict Achieving Commitment Embracing Accountability Focusing on Results - Leadership Fable - Field Guide - Participant Workbook Cohesive TEAMWORK Resources
The 5 Dysfunctions Building Trust Mastering Conflict Achieving Commitment Embracing Accountability Focusing on Results - Leadership Fable - Field Guide - Participant Workbook Weekly breaking open and discussion of FIVE dysfunctions with Team effective exercises Cohesive TEAMWORK Resources Course of Action
Getting Naked “At its core, naked service boils down to the ability of a service provider [Hall Staff] to be vulnerable – to embrace uncommon levels of humility, selflessness, and transparency for the good of a client [residents].” “We shall always place education side by side with instruction; the mind will not be cultivated at the expense of the heart.” Fr. Moreau – Circular Letter 36 “It is in the classroom where the mind is educated... It is in the resident halls where the heart is cultivated...” Fr. John Jenkins
Even beyond the world of clients, being naked has its benefits and advantages. When we can demonstrate vulnerability to the people we live and work with, we build stronger relationships, affirm our trust in them, and inspire them to become more vulnerable themselves. And that is certainly worth getting naked for. (p. 214) or “cultivating the heart... “
Getting NAKED Introduce at Head Staff Meetings during Hall Training Break open and discuss at weekly Head Staff Meetings 3.2 Head Staff TEAM Development
There are three FEARS that prevent us from building trust and loyalty with our [clients] staff, team, residents...
- Always consult instead of sell - Give away the business - Tell the kind truth - Enter the danger - Ask dumb questions #1 FEAR OF LOSING THE BUSINESS
- Always consult instead of sell - Give away the business - Tell the kind truth - Enter the danger - Ask dumb questions - Make dumb suggestions - Celebrate your mistakes #1 FEAR OF LOSING THE BUSINESS #2 FEAR OF BEING EMBARRASSED
- Always consult instead of sell - Give away the business - Tell the kind truth - Enter the danger - Ask dumb questions - Make dumb suggestions - Celebrate your mistakes -- #1 FEAR OF LOSING THE BUSINESS #2 FEAR OF BEING EMBARRASSED #3 FEAR OF FEELING INFERIOR - Take a bullet for the client / resident / RA [rector models with ARs) - Make everything about the client - Honor the client’s work - Do the dirty work - Admit your weaknesses and limitations
The ultimate measure of leaders is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand in times of challenge and controversy.
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
Thank you!