07 Prof. Garzotto HCI – Lesson 2 Requirements Homework: Readings and assignements
07 Readings ID book chapters 10 and 11 + Papers: Rosson M.B. &. Carroll J.M.“Scenario-Based Design» Chapter 53 in J. Jacko & A. Sears (Eds.), The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals,Evolving Technologies and Emerging Applications. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002, pp papers by Bolchini et al.
07 Assignements 1. Prepare 2-4 slides for one paper about requirements 2. Prepare 2-4 slides for the paper about scenarios Slides must Outline the key concepts of the paper Outline the key message, or the one issue that have most impressed you, and is worth discussing 3. Prepare 2-4 slides defining some stakeholders, goals, key requirements, and scenarios for an e-learning/e-teaching platform (e.g., Beep )
07 Instructions In each set of slides, include a cover page with your first and last name, mat, course name, subject of the homework Post them on Beep (section: Deliverables) by Thursday 20/10 9:00 am as a single file (ppt or pdf) The file MUST be named as follows: Lesson3-HM-yourlastname
07 Define a set of requirements for Beep