Lab 6: Sensor Based Planning Lab TA: Neil Abcouwer Sid Soundararajan
SENSE 8 16 (1,1) (8,16) Each square is 6in by 6in
SENSE 8 16 (1,1) (8,16)
SENSE 8 16 (1,1) (8,16) (2,9) (6,14)
SENSE 8 16 (1,1) (8,16) (2,9) (6,14)
SENSE 8 16 (1,1) (8,16) (2,9) (6,14)
SENSE Mapping (50 points) [2 tries]: – Robot seems to mark some blocks and move correctly - 20 points – Robot executes motion correctly and marks less than 5 blocks wrong - 10 points – Robot marks less than 2 blocks wrong - 10 points – All blocks correctly marked - 10 points
PLAN 8 16 (2,2) (7,15)
PLAN Planning (50 points) [2 tries]: – Robot seems to sense, plan and act - 10 points – Robot hits an obstacle after traveling at least 5 unique blocks - 20 points – Robot hits an obstacle after traveling at least 10 unique blocks - 10 points – Robot stops within two blocks of the goal - 5 points – Robot completes path in under 3 minutes - 5 points
Tips Not necessary to use dead reckoning. Mark the boundary of the map as an obstacle. When panning make sure to stop and wait for a few milliseconds before polling the sensor. Take multiple range readings and average them for better results. A good operating range for the LEGO ultrasound sensor is inches. If two or more robots are close to each other, sensor readings may be spurious. Sample starter code for visual display of an 8 x 16 2D array is provided.