Hall, Dominique Per.3 English 11/30/10
o Supernatural: something that operates beyond the laws of nature o “Supernatural and magic became dissociated from the natural and real and a true life science was born o Source 2
o “Beginnings of life science in the ancient world were associated with thoughts magic” o The first biologists studied life in relation to the divine, seeing in the natural the supernatural, assuming that humans have a direct link with the gods.” o Source 2
o “Who believe in one god who controls all.” o Those groups share the common notion that supernatural power moves the physical world o 1735 a creature known as the Jersey Devil, was very similar to the chupacabra from Latin America. Like the Devil the chupacabra is called the Goatsucker because it attacks goats and sheep and drinks their blood. Source 2
o A vampire is a dead person who comes back to life and the survives by drinking the blood of the living. o Myth’s: o Elizabeth Bathory’s blood thirsty murders of young girls led to the suggestion that she was a vampire. o Vlad Dracula was the historical figure who was part of the inspiration for Bram Stokers vampire. o Source 3
o Witch craft was religious and mythical use of supernatural and magical powers o The concept of with craft was means of explaining humans misfortune by blaming it on supernatural o Source 3
o Black Magic: evil types of witchcraft where enemies of Christianity are said to make alliances with the Devil for special powers o Source 3
o Hallows’ eve or Halloween was originally a festival of fire and the dead and the powers of the darkness. o It is the evening of October 31 the night before Christian festival of all saints day. o Hallows’ Eve was the saints and the martyrs' and was the first introduced in the 7 th century. o Source 2
o In New England in the 1600’s this was a big problem. People were very religious and they thought the Devil was real and trying to take them away from Christianity. o Native American religions usually did not distinguish between the natural and the supernatural. o Source 2
o “Supernatural begins as well as supreme evil. o “Native Americans hoped to please the supernatural beings of their religious beliefs to ensure weather for crops of superiority in ware-fare over their enemies. o Source 2
Paranormal o Paranormal the range of normal experience or scientific experience or scientific explanation o Usually when paranormal activity events happen it’s when a demand or spirit is trying to take a hold of you o Source 3
Haunting o Haunting: where spirits make themselves known to people o Other spirits are invisible, but make their appearances through noises or by moving things. o Source 3
o But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shall not eat of it for in the day thou eat there of thou shall not survive o Spiritual forces worked freely in the material world influencing the outcome of everyday events. o Source 2
o O, God, who knows us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that, by reason of the weakness of our nature, we cannot of our stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance. Through Christ our Lord. Amen o Website:
Meyer, Stephenie; Twilight; Little Brown and Company; Ny,Ny, website Mason, Paul; Investigation the Supernatural; Chicago, Illinois; Heinemann Library 2004 Lawson, Russell M.; “Greek and Roman Life Sciences”; World History: Ancient and Medvial: Eras. ABC-CLIO 2010 web.18 Now website: http;//ancienthistory.abc- clio.com/seach/display/ ?terms=supernatural