Professor John Harries, Space and Atmospheric Physics group, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London, UK 3 rd Year U/G Laboratory (3YL) Briefing for Demonstrators October
Aims and Objectives To teach UG how to undertake experimental projects, with more autonomy than earlier in their careers. To ensure this is done safely, in accord with H&S guidelines: we are all responsible for H&S of the students, and you must continually enforce these guidelines. To develop the range and quality of experiments available. 2
The 3YL Team Head of Lab: Prof John Harries Deputy Head of Lab:Dr Alasdair Campbell Head of Projects: Dr John Tisch Chief Technician of the Teaching Labs:Geoff Green Senior Technician, 3YL:Lee Parker Administrator, 3YL:Graham Axtel 3
RAs:- Colin Belton George Bendo David Clements Rachele Fermani Paul Green Gordon Kennedy Elise Laird Barry Macevoy Anne-Marie Magnan Stuart Mangles James Moore Robert Nyman Adrian Ratnapala Diana Shaul Andrew Singleton Yannick Sonnefraud Khadija Tahir PGs:- Christopher Arrell Simon Chard Angela Demetriadou Dominic Farrell Alex Guite Marisa March Thomas Wall Academics: John Harries Alasdair Campbell David Clements Ned Ekins-Daukes Costas Foudas John Hassard Ji Seon Kim (Tm 2 only) Chris Phillips Sergei Popov 4 The Demonstrators
Demonstrators duties Largely spelled out in excellent web site Emphasise: -Know your experiment….practice it; -Meet with the students starting your experiment at the beginning, and discuss the experiment; - At this initial meeting, we must go through the Risk Assessment with the students. -ALWAYS meet with the students at the end to give feedback….this is the principal way they will learn. 5
Procedures - Lab hours: Monday Monday 2-4 Thursday 2-5 Friday Students can work out of these periods, but ONLY during normal college hours, and ONLY if there is a demonstrator or technician present in the lab at the same time. - Reports: full details on the web pages. 1 st and 2 nd marking. Forms and cover sheets available on web. 6
Procedures - No food or drink, INCLUDING WATER, to be brought into or consumed in 3YL. Demonstrators lead by example! - Risk Assessments for each experiment are provided at the experiment. Demonstrators are responsible for ensuring students read and understand. - Talk on Errors by Prof Richard Thompson, Thursday 23 October at 5pm. - Talk on Report Writing by Dr Alasdair Campbell, Thursday 30 October at 5pm. 7
Procedures: Lab Structure. Standard (short) experiments (3 per ½ course unit) and many (long) projects (1 per ½ course unit), covering a very broad range of physics. A short course and experimental work on microprocessors A half course unit typically = 3 short experiments, a full course unit = 3 short experiments + 1 long project. 8
Procedures: What Lab Options Must You Take ? - BSc and BSc Year in Europe. 1 unit of lab, 2 terms (term 1 & 2) including a 1 term long project. - BSc and BSc Year in Europe. 1 term long project organised by 3 rd year lab. - MSci and MSci Year in Europe. ½ unit of lab, 1 term in either term 1 or term 2. No project in 3 rd year. - BSc Theory Students. No lab, Theory project - BSc Physics with Music. 1 term project. - Occasional Students. Projects or short experiments as required by your home institute. You may do 1 term or 2 term long projects as required. Plenty of flexibility. 9
Final comments: - We need to allocate experiments. - Introduction meeting at 5pm on Thursday 9 October, in LT1 - I would like our emphasis to be: Feedback and contact between teacher and students, and Safety (READ the excellent and extensive links at - Now, chance for Q&A. 10
Safety Safety In The Lab Safety Information For Staff And Students Imperial College Safety Department Risk Assessment Forms 11