10/26&27/2009 Presented by Laura Putz & Terry Shoebotham (Updated for reserves 11/8/11)
Refreshed nightly Can be exported into Excel 65 current reports available in Banner Finance Other reports available in other repositories Fast Info #1602 gives Banner Form Naming Conventions that are also incorporated into ePrint report naming logic
To find data, use the drill down function
Refreshed nightly Can be easily exported into Excel 33 reports currently available in Banner Finance Production & HSC folders You select criteria for the report
These Hyperion reports are useful to all departments For each, we will go over: ◦ How the report can be used ◦ Tips on selection criteria when running the report ◦ Show you a sample page of the report
Used when salary detail is needed ◦ During index reconciliations ◦ The budget process ◦ To verify labor redistributions have occurred Can be run by employee Can be run by index Can be run by organization
Relatively new report Used to identify NSF status Used to determine how to fix NSF status ◦ Fringes are frequently not included; add them as needed. ◦ 30% of salaries is a good “rule of thumb” amount
Shows how an employee’s labor is currently being distributed (Active) Shows how an employee’s labor used to be distributed (Historical) Can be run by: ◦ Employee ◦ Index ◦ Fund ◦ Grant
Sample Page One Smith, Roger
Sample Page Two Smith, Roger
Detail information by: ◦ Index ◦ Banner User ID ◦ Organization ◦ Document Number For: ◦ Purchase Orders ◦ Pcards ◦ DPIs
Many Hyperion Reporting Options FOH0001= Detail FOH0002 = Summary Available in Production and HSC folders Report in HSC folder is formatted differently and has additional segment options
Inception to Date reporting ◦ FRH0001 & 2; Contract & Grant Ledger Summary Provides a list of all the grants (that produce F & A) for a PI or department to be developed ◦ FRH0004 F & A Generated by PI