Math and Science instruction use many tools. The first technological tool used for math was the calculator. The first mechanical calculator was invented around The first electronic desktop calculator evolved around 1961.
In 1967 Texas Instruments invented the first hand held electronic calculator. In 1970 the first shirt-pocket-sized electronic calculator was available but expensive. Also during 1970, the production of mechanical calculators ceased. The mass production of electronic calculators makes them more affordable.
By 1978, solar calculators develop and the size of calculators are as small as a credit card. Calculators are mostly used in secondary levels of education and above. Calculator use at the elementary level is still a divided issue. Texas Instruments Texas Instruments
Provides a variety of ways for learners to develop understanding of new and old concepts. Digital technology, calculators, computers, educational software, and calculator-based laboratories, are some important elements in learning and teaching mathematics.
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Increases knowledge and skills in Science. Improves student attitudes and confidence. Engages students by inquiry and application, rather than facts, diagrams, definitions, etc.
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